
Quick access your Vercel projects from Alfred

Primary LanguagePython


Quick access your Vercel projects from Alfred


  1. Goto releases section
  2. download .alfredworkflow file
  3. open it in Alfred

Workflow setup

  1. Obtain your Vercel token at https://vercel.com/account/tokens
  2. Goto "Workflow Environment Variables"
  3. Set your Vercel ACCESS_TOKEN
  4. Optional: change cache timeout value (default: 1 hour)


  1. activate Alfred
  2. type vercel
  3. browse your projects


  • Press command key on a project to go directly to project deployments page
  • Press option key on a project to go directly to project settings page


To prevent excessive API calls, the workflow caches the results.
By default, the cache is cleared every hour.
You can change the cache timeout in the workflow settings.
If you wanna clear the cache manually, press command key on the main "Vercel Projects" item.


Show Vercel projects Wipe cache projects