typecho blog system docker for amd64/arm64 machine

both MySQL and SQLite are supported

Mod by HuangYeWuDeng(荒野無燈@nanodm.net) for docker

use s6 as supervision instead of runit

typecho is a PHP based lightweight blog system

Multi-Architecture image supported

Architecture DB Support Image:Tag
amd64/arm64 MySQL and SQLite 80x86/typecho:latest

container volume map

you need to map container path /data to your host machine for persistent data storage.


AMD64 or arm64:

docker run -d \
--name=typecho-blog \
--restart always \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp \
-v /srv/http/typecho:/data \
-e PHP_TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
-p 90:80 \