
Primary LanguageGo


calc is a simple cli to calculate mathematical expressions written in pure go. It supports basic operations like +, -, *, / and parentheses ( and ) out of the box. Further functionality can be added by macros. The macros directory contains a macro for calculating the square root and power.


Since the plugin package only supports macOS, FreeBSD and Linux with cgo enabled, the plugin loading mechanism is only enabled for those platforms. This is achieved by setting the build directive in plugins.go. Any code in that file will only be included if the target platform is listed in this directive.


Currently, no pre-built executables are available but building it is easy since there are zero dependencies (although that wouldn't be a problem anyways). The application was built for go 1.16, and it is recommended to have at least this version. After installing go form the official website, using the application only takes one more command:

go install github.com/maxmoehl/calc/cli@latest

Depending on your setup you might have to add the $GOBIN directory to your path variable. By default, it is $HOME/go/bin. If you want to use macros see section Macros


The plugin in home can be overridden by setting the environment variable CALC_PLUGIN_DIR. If the variable is not present, the default directory $HOME/.calc is used, if the environment variable is empty no plugins will be loaded.

To get debug information set DEBUG=1 as an environment variable or directly pass it to the executable:

$ DEBUG=1 calc "1+1"


It can either be used to calculate a single expression:

$ calc "1+1"

or launched in interactive mode to execute multiple expressions:

$ calc -interactive
> 1+1
> pow{2,2}
> _

Type exit or press CTRL+C to exit

If executed without any arguments, a little help section gets printed:

$ calc
  either execute a single calculation:
    calc <mathematical expression>
  or start the interactive mode:
    calc -interactive

Loaded macros:
  sqrt, pow

Plans for the future: Allow recent results to be reused in calculations. This would allow for more flexibility in calculation, i.e.:

$ calc -interactive
> 1
> $0 + 1
> $0 + 1
> _


Extended Backus–Naur form

I'm not 100% sure if this is correct ¯_(ツ)_/¯

digit      = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "0" ;
letter     = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" |
             "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" |
             "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" ;

number     = { digit }, [ ".", [ { digit } ] ] ;
identifier = { letter } ;

plus_minus = "+" | "-" ;
mul_div    = "*" | "/" ;

parameter  = expression, { ",", expression };
macro      = identifier, "{", [ parameter, ] "}" ;
operator   = plus_minus | mul_div ;
operand    = number | macro ;

expression = operand | [ plus_minus, ] [ "(", ] expression, [ { operator, expression, } ] [ ")" ] ;


And make sure your system is supported

The application loads all plugins with the file ending *.so inside $HOME/.calc. For each plugin the Index is checked and any listed macros are registered. To enable the default macros do the following:

  1. Build the macros in plugin mode: go build -buildmode=plugin ./macros
  2. Create the directory $HOME/.calc if it does not exist: mkdir $HOME/.calc
  3. Copy the built file to the newly created directory: mv macros.so $HOME/.calc/macros.so

Invoking macros

Plugins can be invoked by their identifier and braces containing the parameters delimited by commas:

identifier{parameter, ..., parameter}

For example calculating two squared:

$ calc "pow{2, 2}"

Building your own macros (plugins)

The Plugin has a single requirement: An exported variable named Index of type types.Index. This index maps the identifier of a macro (which can be used in mathematical expressions) to a function name that can be used to create a representation of the macro in memory. An example says more than a thousand words, take a look at the files in macros/ for a working example.

The Macro itself needs the following:

  1. A function to create a new instance of it
  2. A struct that holds all necessary information

The function to create a new macro needs to implement the types.NewMacro interface which has the following signature:

type NewMacro func(parameter []Node) (Macro, error)

Inside this function basic validation should be done to ensure correct number of arguments. The returned macro needs to implement the types.Macro interface which is defined as follows:

type Macro interface {
	Eval() (float64, error)

The Eval function is used to evaluate the macro. Since the parameters are types.Nodes you first have to evaluate all parameters and use the results to do your own calculation. If any errors occur while evaluating the parameters it is recommended to return math.NaN() and the encountered error without modifying the error or returning your own.

After you've written your plugin ensure that the package name is main and try to build it using buildmode=plugin. Copy the resulting *.so file to $HOME/.calc and run the calc cli to test if it works.