
Primary LanguageShell

# sship #

A script to automatically upload files to the home directory on a remote machine before opening
the interactive SSH session.

This tool was created because its author frequently has to log in to jump hosts to access certain
systems. Those jump hosts do not have a persistent home partition and lack even the most common

# Installation #

Copy the script to a directory which is in your $PATH.

# Configuration #

Some very basic configuration is available via environment variables:

  SSHIP_HOME  : Directory to upload.
  SSHIP_DEBUG : Enabled debug output.
  SSHIP_SILENT: Disable all log out (takes precedence over SSHIP_DEBUG).

The files to be uploaded are taken from ~/.local/share/sship. The directory is uploaded as-is to
the home directory of the user on the remote system.

It is recommended to configure the Control* parameters of your OpenSSH client to prevent frequent
prompts for authentication / passphrases. Copy-paste if you're lazy:

  ServerAliveInterval 60
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p
  ControlPersist yes

# Usage #


The script does not allow any custom SSH options on the command line, the user is expected to
provide those via ssh_config(5). Consequently it is not possible to execute one-of commands using
this script, only interactive shell sessions are supported.

# Troubleshooting #

1. sship is not uploading my new files!

If you previously uploaded your files, sship will create a .sship_uploaded file. As long as that
file exists it won't upload again. If still want to upload make sure to first delete that file.