
Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. Solarized port for Neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT




Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. click here to learn more



  • Support for Treesitter
  • Support for Semantic highlight
  • Customizability: styles, colors and highlights can all be modified
  • Plugin compatibility
  • Provides users with the option to enable or disable highlight groups
  • Selenized color palette


Before using the Solarized Colorscheme, please make sure you have the following requirements installed:

Install from package manager

Download using your preferred package manager.


    lazy = false,
    priority = 1000,
    config = function()
      vim.o.background = 'dark' -- or 'light'

      vim.cmd.colorscheme 'solarized'


use {
    config = function()
      vim.o.background = 'dark' -- or 'light'

      vim.cmd.colorscheme 'solarized'

Manual Installation

To manually install Solarized, follow these steps:

  1. Download the stable release of Solarized.
  2. Extract the contents of the release.
  3. Locate the following folders in the extracted files: after, colors, lua, plugin.
  4. Copy these folders to the ~/.config/nvim directory.


Use :h solarized.nvim.txt to get some help


  • :Solarized colors - Display the Solarized palette in a new buffer
  • :Solarized zen- Removes highlight colors, emphasizing important code segments.

Default Config

vim.o.background = 'dark'

-- default config
    transparent = false, -- enable transparent background
    palette = 'solarized', -- or selenized
    styles = {
      comments = {},
      functions = {},
      variables = {},
      numbers = {},
      constants = {},
      parameters = {},
      keywords = {},
      types = {},
    enables = {
      bufferline = true,
      cmp = true,
      diagnostic = true,
      dashboard = true,
      editor = true,
      gitsign = true,
      hop = true,
      indentblankline = true,
      lsp = true,
      lspsaga = true,
      navic = true,
      neogit = true,
      neotree = true,
      notify = true,
      noice = true,
      semantic = true,
      syntax = true,
      telescope = true,
      tree = true,
      treesitter = true,
      todo = true,
      whichkey = true,
      mini = true,
    highlights = {},
    colors = {},
    theme = 'default', -- or 'neo'
    autocmd = true,

vim.cmd.colorscheme = 'solarized' -- or selenized

Config Themes

Solarized offers two themes: the default Solarized theme and Neo. These themes provide different visual styles to enhance your experience.

    theme = 'neo' -- or comment to use solarized default theme.

Config Styles

The styles config allows you to customize the style of a highlight group.

    styles = {
      comments = { italic = true, bold = false },
      functions = { italic = true },
      variables = { italic = false },

Config Highlights

The highlights config allows you to customize the highlights groups.


require('solarized').setup {
    highlights = function (colors, colorhelper)
        local darken = colorhelper.darken
        local lighten = colorhelper.lighten
        local blend = colorhelper.blend

        return {
            LineNr = { fg = c.base1, bg = c.base02 },
            CursorLineNr = { bg = c.base02 },
            CursorLine = { bg = c.base02 },
            Function = { italic = false },
            Visual = { bg = c.cyan },

Config Colors

The colors config allows you to extend or modify the color palette used by solarized.


require('solarized').setup {
    colors = function(colors, colorhelper)
        local darken = colorhelper.darken
        local lighten = colorhelper.lighten
        local blend = colorhelper.blend

        return {
            fg = '#fff', -- output: #ffffff
            bg = darken(colors.base03, 100)
    highlights = function(colors)
        return {
            Normal = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg }

Config Enables

The enables config allows you to enable or disable solarized support for spefic plugins or neovim's default highlights


require('solarized').setup {
  enables = {
      editor = true,
      syntax = true,

      -- PLUGINS
      bufferline = true,
      cmp = false, -- disabled
      diagnostic = true,
      indentblankline = true,
      lsp = true,
      lspsaga = false, -- disabled
      navic = true,
      semantic = true,
      telescope = true,
      tree = false, -- disabled
      treesitter = true,
    highlights = {
        -- your implementation of nvim-tree
        -- your implementation of cmp
        -- your implementation of lspsaga

Config Autocmd

This option enhances highlighting by enabling Solarized's autocmd feature.


require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = 'solarized',
    disabled_filetypes = {

Alternatively, to utilize Lualine's Solarized theme:

require('lualine').setup {
    options = {
      theme = require('lualine.themes.solarized')

To use the Solarized theme showcased in the screenshot for Lualine click here


require('barbecue').setup {
  theme = 'solarized',


You can utilize useful functions to customize your Neovim plugins.

Get Colors

local palette = require('solarized.palette')
local colors = palette.get_colors()

Color utils

local color = require('solarized.utils.colors')

-- Convert a hex color code to RGB

-- Darken a color by a specified percentage
color.darken('#ffffff', 100)

-- Lighten a color by a specified percentage
color.lighten('#000000', 100)

-- Blend two colors with a specified ratio
color.blend('#ffffff', '#000000', 0.15)

How to get color shades

local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken
local colors = require('solarized.palette').get_colors()
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
  local shade = darken(colors.blue, i * 10)


How to get color tints

local lighten = require('solarized.utils.colors').lighten

for i = 1, 10, 1 do
  local tints = lighten(colors.blue, i * 10)



Pull requests are welcome and appreciated.

Designed by

Ethan Schoonover

Ethan Schoonover

Credits and Reference 🎉
