Allows direct access to VanMoof Bikes Bluetooth-API in Javascript using the Web-Bluetooth-API.
- Retrieve Parameters (Battery, Distance, Settings, ...)
- Retrieve Firmware/Hardware/Software/Model/Serial Number
- Start Bike-Module
- Unlock Bike
- Set Region Settings
- Set Lightning Settings
- Set Power Level
- Set Units
- Show Firmware
- Reset Distance
- Pair Remote
- Error Logging
- Set Offroad Mode
- Update Firmware (not implemented)
- ...
- Electrified S/X 1 (2016/2017) - tested
- Smart S/X 1 (2018) - unsupported (work in progress)
- Electrified S/X 2 - untested (some parameters/functions missing)
- Electrified S/X 3 - untested (some parameters/functions missing)
See full list.
- Chrome
- Mac: >56
- Linux: >56
- Windows: >70
- Edge: >79
- Firefox: unsupported
- Internet Explorer: unsupported
- Opera
- Mac: >43
- Linux: >43
- Windows: >57
- Safari: unsupported
- Android webview: unsupported
- Chrome for Android: >56
- Firefox for Android: unsupported
- Internet Explorer: unsupported
- Opera for Android: >43
- Safari on iOS: unsupported
- Samsung Internet: >6.0
Download pre build file from GitHub-Releases or add via NPM.
# Yarn
yarn add vanbike-lib
npm i vanbike-lib
# Development
yarn dev
# Production
yarn prod
import { VanBikeService, ElectrifiedSX1Profile, ModuleStateEntity, LockStateEntity } from 'vanbike-lib';
const bikeProfile = new ElectrifiedSX1Profile();
const vanBikeService = new VanBikeService(bikeProfile, 'ENCRYPTION-KEY');
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/vanbike-lib.js"></script>
const bikeProfile = new VanBikeLib.ElectrifiedSX1Profile();
const vanBikeService = new VanBikeLib.VanBikeService(bikeProfile, 'ENCRYPTION-KEY');
const ModuleStateEntity = VanBikeLib.ModuleStateEntity;
const LockStateEntity = VanBikeLib.LockStateEntity;
For more examples see example
// Event listener
vanBikeService.subscribe((parameters) => {
// Connect
await vanBikeService.connect();
// Authenticate
await vanBikeService.authenticate();
// Turn on
const moduleState = new ModuleStateEntity();
await vanBikeService.setModuleState(moduleState);
// Unlock
const lockState = new LockStateEntity();
await vanBikeService.setLockState(lockState);
// Disconnect
constructor(encryptionKey : string) : void
async connect() : Promise
disconnect() : void
isConnected() : bool
subscribe(function callback) : Number
unsubscribe(handleIndex) : void
async authenticate() : Promise
async getParameters() : ParametersEntity
async getFirmwareRevision() : string
async getHardwareRevision() : string
async getSoftwareRevision() : string
async getModelNumber() : string
async getSerialNumber() : string
async setModuleState(ModuleStateEntity moduleState) : Promise
async setLockState(LockStateEntity lockState) : Promise
async setLightningState(LightningStateEntity lightningState) : Promise
async setPowerLevelState(PowerStateEntity powerState, RegionStateEntity regionState) : Promise
async setUnitState(UnitStateEntity unitState) : Promise
async showFirmware() : Promise
async resetDistance() : Promise
async pairRemote() : Promise
async enableErrors() : Promise
async disableErrors() : Promise
async setOffroadMode() : Promise
async startFirmwareUpdate(FirmwareEntity firmware) : Promise
async stopFirmwareUpdate() : Promise
This project is not related to VanMoof. The guarantee expires with use.
The WebService
calls the VanMoof API directly.
This is probably not possible in Browsers because of CORS-Policy.
Use a workaround with the Chrome-Plugin: Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Or use this service from NodeJS.