
FITS File reader in modern (>=c++17) cpp. Beware: this is a project to learn this "new" language

Primary LanguageC++

fitscpp - A FITS file reader in modern C++

Beware: this is a toy project for me learning this "new" language.

To properly learn a language, you need to project with sufficient complexity in a field where you are comfortable, for me this is binary IO, especially with the FITS format.

This project uses catch2 for unit tests and will probably make use of boost and/or Abseil to solve specific tasks.

C++17 is required, mainly for std::variant, which is used for runtime polymorphism, e.g. the value of a FITS header entry is a

using value_t = std::variant<std::string, bool, int64_t, double>;

and I plan to use this also for other polymorphic entities, like the different types of FITS extension HDUs (Image, Binary Table, ASCII Table, ...).

After C++, I also want to do this in Rust and Julia... might take a while though.