
imgui in gd via cocos

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


imgui in gd using only cocos! no hooks or anything for geode


link to it like any other cmake library, you can also use cpm which comes with geode

CPMAddPackage("gh:matcool/gd-imgui-cocos#commithash") # specify a commit!

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} imgui-cocos)

You may specify what version of imgui you want to use by setting IMGUI_VERSION before including the library:

set(IMGUI_VERSION "v1.70")

Or even get imgui yourself, and setting the HAS_IMGUI option:




Make sure you call the setup method! Even if you don't need the callback you can use the overload with no args.

#include <imgui-cocos.hpp>

$on_mod(Loaded) {
    ImGuiCocos::get().setup([] {
        // this runs after imgui has been setup,
        // its a callback as imgui will be re initialized when toggling fullscreen,
        // so use this to setup any themes and or fonts!
    }).draw([] {
        ImGui::Begin("My awesome window");

        ImGui::Button("Awesome button");

This code will create a floating window that will persist throughout scenes, and should always be on top of everything


Heres how you can add your own fonts from mod resources, because i always forget.
Make sure that in your mod.json the ttf is a file, instead of a font! you don't want it as a gd font, you want the actual ttf file

ImGuiCocos::get().setup([] {
    // you should do this in setup! ok thx
    auto* font = ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF((Mod::get()->getResourcesDir() / "whatever.ttf").string().c_str(), 16.0f);
    // do something with the font.. like io.FontDefault or something
})//.draw(... etc