
many to many relationships

Primary LanguagePHP

To Do List

PHP Silex & Database Practice, 7.11.2017

By Calla Rudolph & Brittany Kerr


This PHP database exercise allows the user to enter categories and within the category they can add tasks, thus creating a To Do list. The user can add a due date to the tasks, list all tasks and categories, and delete an entire category.

Setup Requirements

  • Open GitHub site on your browser: https://github.com/CallaRudolph/php-toDoList
  • Select the dropdown (green box) "Clone or download"
  • Copy the link for the GitHub repository
  • Open Terminal on your computer
  • In Terminal, perform the following steps:
    • type 'cd desktop' and press enter
    • type 'git clone' then copy the repository link and press enter
    • type 'cd php-toDoList-DB' to access the path on your computer
    • type 'composer install' in terminal to download dependencies
  • In browser type "localhost:8888/phpmyadmin"
    • Click 'import' tab and choose file 'to_do.sql' to import database.
  • Open preferences>ports on MAMP and verify that Apache Port is 8888.
  • Go to preferences>web server and click the file folder next to document root.
    • Click web folder and hit select.
    • Click ok at the bottom of preferences and then click 'Start Server'
  • In your browser, enter 'localhost:8888' to view the webpage on your browser
  • Type a category name in input field to get started.


1 The program returns a list of categories that the user enters.

  * Example Input: 'home chores', 'work errands'
  * Example Output:
    * home chores
    * work errands

2 The user can click on the category and enter a task description and due date, which is then added to a task list under the category.

  * Example Input: 'clean room' '7/7/17'
  * Example Output:
          home chores:
          * clean room
            * Due: 7/7/17

3 The user can click 'edit this category' and rename the category, which will then appear updated on home page.

  * Example Input: 'home stuff'
  * Example Output: 'home stuff', 'work errands'

4 The user can click 'edit this category' and click 'delete this category', allowing the user to return to home page and category to be erased.

  * Example Input: click 'delete this category'
  * Example Output: 'work errands'

Technologies Used

  • PHP
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Silex
  • Twig
  • Composer
  • MAMP


Copyright © 2017 Calla Rudolph & Brittany Kerr

This software is licensed under the MIT license.