Scrabble Score

Epicodus Exercise in BDD with PHP | July 6, 2017

By Max Scher and Steve Spitz


This web application returns the scrabble score of a given word based on the user's input.


  • Open GitHub site on your browser:
  • Select the green dropdown menu to clone this repository.
  • Copy the link for the GitHub repository.
  • Open Terminal on your computer.
  • In Terminal, perform the following steps:
    • type 'cd desktop' and press enter
    • type 'git clone' then paste the repository link, and press enter
    • type 'cd scrabble-dabble' to access the path on your computer
    • type 'composer install' in terminal to download dependencies
    • type 'cd web' to enter the web folder
    • type 'php -S localhost:8000' to open local server
  • In your browser, enter the url 'localhost:8000' to view the webpage.
  • Enter in a single word to learn the scrabble score for the given word.


It can return the scrabble score for a one-letter word:

  • Example Input: 'K'
  • Example Output: 5 It can return the scrabble score for a one-letter word, regardless of case:
  • Example Input: 'k'
  • Example Output: 5 It can return the scrabble score for a multi-letter word:
  • Example Input: 'WooD'
  • Example Output: 8 It only returns scrabble scores for one-word entries:
  • Example Input: 'Come back to me'
  • Example Output: 'Scrabble does not accept multiple-word entries.' It only returns scrabble scores for one-word entries that contain only alphabetical characters:
  • Example Input: 'C0me b@ck to^me, Sheila!'
  • Example Output: 'Scrabble does not accept multiple-word entries.'

Languages Used

Git, PHP, HTML, Twig, CSS

License Information

This application is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © Max Scher & Steve Spitz 2017