
flowcell API query returns samples from all projects associated with that flow cell, not just samples on that flow cell

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For example,

res = requests.get(url, auth=(user,pw), verify=cert, params={'flowcell_id':'HKHYCDRX2'})
plis = []
for s in res.json(['2517_Förtsch_Akhtar']):


{'CUTandTag-seq', 'CUTandRUN-seq'}

even though only CUTandRUN-seq samples are present in that flowcell, but CUTandTAG-seq samples are present in the project on different flowcells.

This project is not the first one that is spread across >1 flowcell. I wonder how we managed this in the past. Anyway, please share the value of url variable, I'm having difficulties following which API endpoint you're hitting.

This is just the one used in BigRedButton.ini. Other parameters are gotten from there as well.

Ok, I will have to check FlowcellAnalysisViewSet.analysis_list() @ flowcell/ currently it's returning a dictionary with projects as keys... 🤔