
Arduino OTA upload with linkit smart 7688 or raspberry pi

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Arduino OTA upload with linkit smart 7688 or raspberry pi


Hardware Setup

connect to Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz

Install on micropc

Linkit Smart 7688

Login ssh to your linkit smart 7688 then enter bottom command

# wget http://www.file.host-1gb.com/arino/install.sh && sh install.sh

Raspberry Pi

Coming soon !

Install on Arduino ide

Support Arduino IDE 1.6.5 or later

In program arduino ide go to File > Preferences

File > Preferences

enter https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxpromer/arino/master/arduino/package_arino_index.json to Additional Boards Manager URLs box and click button OK

Additional Boards Manager

Go to Tool > Board > Boards Manager

Boards Manager

Select the AVR OTA Upload and click Install button

AVR OTA Upload

See the download progress on the bottom window and wait word Installed show

Boards Installed

Close the Boards Manager window, click menu Tools > Boards selected Arduino Boards then click Upload !


Arduino Upload