
Next.js + Docker Compose production-ready starter kit

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Next.js + Docker Production Kit

Finally, a production-ready starter kit for Next.js and Docker Compose!

Based on my official Next.js example, with multiple JavaScript and TypeScript apps, Postgres, SSL with Nginx, and tons of best practice defaults from over 5 years of tweaking.

Issues/pull requests and ⭐ stars welcome as a show of support! Keep coming back, steal ideas for your development and production environment, and share your best practices as we continually make this example better.

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Why use Compose with Next.js?

Check out the YouTube video!

  • 100% reproducable environment across macOS, Windows, and Linux teams.
  • Easy to develop, test, and run multiple Next.js apps, databases, and other services together.
  • Development and production environments are code. Compose file can be extended with any technology. If it exists, there's a Docker image of it. No exceptions.
  • Made with simple, best-in-class technologies that developers of all skill levels can quickly pick up.

How to use

Click the Fork Fork button in the header of this repo before continuing. When finished, you'll be taken to your copy of the repo.

Next, you'll need to clone your forked repo to your computer. In VSCode, press ⌘+SHIFT+P and search for Git: Clone, then enter https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/nextjs-docker-production-kit.git. If successful, a popup will prompt you to open your cloned repo.


Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed.

In the root of your project, run your development environment:


Visit http://localhost:3000 to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying home/src/app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you save the file.


This example comes pre-configured with SSL. That is, your development environment is accessible using a secure HTTPS connection. You will need to append the contents of hosts to your /etc/hosts file.

Visit https://local.mproske.com to develop locally on SSL.

Auto-formatting ✨

Install the recommended VSCode exensions. Then, install ESLint and Prettier by running npm install, yarn install, or pnpm install in the root of your project. Your JS and TS code should now auto-format on save.


Run your production environment:


Visit http://localhost:3000 or https://local.mproske.com.

Alternatively, you can run production without multistage.


Docker Multi-stage Builds is recommended in production, because combined with Next.js Output Standalone, only the minimum node_modules files required are copied into the final Docker image. This results in up to 85% smaller apps (Approximately 110 MB, compared to 1 GB with create-next-app). But this can be a good alternative for developers who don't want to get into the weeds. Because when you work in Docker, everything should be easily understandable.


Spin up a One-Click Docker app, that's ready to run in about 1 minute. Login to your server, run the production command, and you're up and running!


What now?

Add any apps or technologies you like! Try copying your Next.js app to the root of the project, copy over the Dockerfiles from the next-ts-app or next-js-app directory.


  • ???

If you notice any gotchas with this setup, please open an issue so I can add them to this list.

Useful commands

# Stop all running containers
docker kill $(docker ps -aq) && docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

# Free up space
docker system prune -af --volumes