This demo focuses on using the react charting library recharts and the data grid library react-data-grid to display and chart spreadsheet data using only a single shared piece of state. The data in this demo will has the following shape:
interface Row {
year: number;
revenue: number;
costs: number;
profit: number;
The data is first read from a remote excel file, transformed into an array of objects with an additional key profit
derived from the revenue and costs, and then saved into state.
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const f = await (
await fetch("http://localhost:8000/data.xlsx")
const wb = read(f);
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
const rawData = utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
const newData = any) => ({
profit: d.revenue - d.costs,
}, []);
The data can then be rendered by both react-data-grid and recharts.
{ key: "year", name: "Year" },
{ key: "revenue", name: "Revenue", editor: textEditor },
{ key: "costs", name: "Costs", editor: textEditor },
{ key: "profit", name: "Profit" },
In the ReactDataGrid
, updateRows
is used to update the state if the user changes any of the values in the editable columns, also recalculating profit based on the updated values.
const updateRows = (rows: Row[]) => {
setData( => ({
profit: d.revenue - d.costs,
Recharts displays the data in a line chart, staying in sync with the data and rerendering if the rows are updated.
<LineChart width={600} height={300} data={data}>
<Tooltip />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="revenue" stroke="#8884d8" />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="costs" stroke="#fd41f9" />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="profit" stroke="#fe1f1a" />
<XAxis dataKey="year" />
<YAxis />
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactDataGrid, { textEditor } from "react-data-grid";
import { LineChart, Line, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip } from "recharts";
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from "xlsx";
import "./App.css";
import "react-data-grid/lib/styles.css";
interface Row {
year: number;
revenue: number;
costs: number;
profit: number;
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState<Row[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const f = await (
await fetch("http://localhost:8000/data.xlsx")
const wb = read(f);
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
const rawData = utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
const newData = any) => ({
profit: d.revenue - d.costs,
}, []);
const updateRows = (rows: Row[]) => {
setData( => ({
profit: d.revenue - d.costs,
const exportData = () => {
const wb = utils.book_new();
const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(data);
utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "data");
writeFileXLSX(wb, "data.xlsx");
return (
<div className="App">
{data.length > 0 && (
<div className="graph-data">
{ key: "year", name: "Year" },
{ key: "revenue", name: "Revenue", editor: textEditor },
{ key: "costs", name: "Costs", editor: textEditor },
{ key: "profit", name: "Profit" },
<LineChart width={600} height={300} data={data}>
<Tooltip />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="revenue" stroke="#8884d8" />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="costs" stroke="#fd41f9" />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="profit" stroke="#fe1f1a" />
<XAxis dataKey="year" />
<YAxis />
<button onClick={exportData}>Export [.xlsx]</button>
export default App;