
djangoWords, a Django API service created by Max Rosenberg


  • Allows users to sign up/register and create a "game"
  • A game has a series of user-generated words or phrases associated with it
  • The game master is able to create 4 words or phrases for the game
  • The game master is able to share a link to friends (who have not created an account) to create 4 words or phrases for the game and submit them along with their name
  • The game master is able to see a list of names who have submitted words or phrases for the game
  • The game master is able to "start" the game after which, the submission of words or phrases will not work and new users cannot join
  • Upon the start API call, all the words and phrases are returned to the game master in a randomized order
  • To run the unit tests, use the command python test words