
Writing book made simple

Primary LanguageClojure

Book As Data

Simple tool to produce any kind of document in a decoupled manner.

Separation of concerns when writing a document means :

  • Write content in the simplest way possible.
  • Choose your output format (HTML, pdf...).
  • Be able to declare own version of the two above steps.

Formats supported

Question & Answers

Input format

Q How to save collection into a file ?
A (spit "filename" (apply str coll))

Q Get current classpath ?
A  (println (seq (.getURLs (java.lang.ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))))
A  (.getURLs (->  (java.lang.Thread/currentThread)  (.getContextClassLoader)))

Default output format is HTML.


Input file is transformed into a plain clj data-structure. HTML template are defined with enlive.


lein run "qa" <file in QA format> transforms QA file into html file.


Here the wish-list :

  • Define your own format.
  • Choose your own template.
  • Build static site generator.
  • Define other format : dictionary , slides ...


Copyright © 2013 Maximilien Rzepka

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.