This is the top level of the examples distribution package for the book _Programming Python, 4th Edition_. The "Examples" directory: contains all the book example code. Its directory tree structure corresponds to the book's example label paths. The "extensions" directory: contains 3rd-party open source extensions used by some book examples. Its PIL package, or the newer Pillow for of it, must be installed for some image-based GUI examples (e.g., PyPhoto). The "changes" directory: logs changes made to this package, gives outputs of code admin scripts presented in Chapter 6, and includes snapshots of both files in the book's suport website and O'Reilly's errata site. See also: --the README.txt in /Examples for further documentation --CHANGES.txt here for the change log of the examples package --README-PP4E-PY33 here for notes on using Python 3.3 and later