P3 course of IMD winter term 2015 / 2016.
Igor Filipe, Isabella Roscher, Max Sommer, Olga Zimmermann
Djoya is going to be an app that helps you find out what to do here and right now.
##How to install the Djoya server:
Clone the github repository into the folder of wish.
Before trying to run the server please execute the following command in the directory of the server:
npm install lwip --save
##How to update the Djoya server:
- ssh into the server
- reactivate the running screen session
- run
git fetch --all
- run
git reset origin/master --hard
- run
npm install lwip --save
- run
sudo PORT=80 npm start
- logout of the activated screen session by typing these characters in succession
[ENTER] ~ .
##How to run the server:
OSX: Open the terminal and navigate to the folder you saved the project in and run the following command:
sudo PORT=80 npm start
##How to access Djoya: Mobile:
- Open your web browser (propably Chrome/Safari)
- Navigate to http://djoya.de/
- Pin the website to your homescreen
- Now if you open it via the icon on your homescreen Djoya should act as an app
- Just open http://djoya.de/ in your web browser
##Requirements for use as a consumer:
- Register a new account and log in
- Enable location services for Djoya
- Have fun
##To Do:
###Version ~0.3:
- Introduction / Tutorial
Recommendations(this will not be included in the prototype)Account settings(this will not be included in the prototype)My created events(this will not be included in the prototype)Events I attended at(this will not be included in the prototype)Private sharing(this will not be included in the prototype)Privatesphere option(this will not be included in the prototype)Multilanguage support(this will not be included in the prototype)Scaling up the search radius in case there are no events in multiple levels (up to 2km)(this will not be included in the prototype)
##Done: ####Version 0.24:
- If location is turned off or denied Djoya now displays a hint to enable it.
####Version 0.23:
- Attend at event
- Maximum attandees at event
- Radar functional overhaul
- Redesign details page
- Redesign radar
- Fix: When clicking on event you just created, open it in ajax window
####Version 0.22:
- Create new event: write user-id in db
- Registration rules (minimal password length etc.)
####Version 0.21:
- Added Fonts (Lato & Mission Script[for now the free version since we're not commercial])
- Login restrictions
- Welcome Page
- Fill subpages with content
- Link all pages to each other to create a flow
###Version 0.2:
- Login (and respective subpages)
- Authentication via passport-local
- Registration (and respectives subpages)
- Logout (and respective subpages)
####Version 0.153:
- Fixes
- UI Tweaks
####Version 0.152:
- Fixed UI Bugs
- Additional texts for Details page
- Media for Events
####Version 0.151:
- CSS fixes
- Details page for events is now available
- Initial loading time for events should be better now
- Animations for transitions
- Version 0.151b: Several bugfixes
####Version 0.150:
- Client auto-updates event radar every 10 seconds
- Client auto-updates location every minute
- Removed obsolete update button
####Version 0.142:
- Client side included jQuery for UI manipulations & easy AJAX
- Add a new Event (template for form and server-side)
####Version 0.141:
- Remove old entries when they are not relevant any more.
####Version 0.13:
- Upon refresh only events that are new are added to the clients local list of events which means there are no more duplications
####Version 0.12:
- Events are now filtered by distance (~1km) and time (6hours)
- Client now displays events as red dots, relative to your position
- Refresh button added
- Refresh sound triggers when clicking the button
####Version 0.11:
- Server now sends an array of JSON objects to client which contains events near you.
###Version 0.1:
- SQlite3
- Database.db
- Search for all events in radius of 1km
- HTML / CSS / JS Base from interface tests
##Known Bugs:
##Thanks to all contributors and folks out there helping these projects we use:
Adam Kaplans Grid (we know they recommend not using this for production, but we're prototyping!)
Kimson Doan (Djoya welcome screen background image)