
Example martini app with different ORM integrations, see different branches.

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense


System dependencies

Installing Go

  • Install Go brew install go

  • Setup your Go environment:

    export GOPATH=<Your Go working directory here>
    export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

Installing Postgres

  • Install Postgres brew install postgres

    Alternatively, use postgres app.


  • Create the database createdb example_app_dev

  • Populate it using the example db/seeds.sql file: psql -d example_app_dev < db/seeds.sql

  • Create .env file:

    DATABASE_URL="dbname=example_app_dev sslmode=disable"

    See lib/pq docs to see more details about connection parameters

  • Run go get to install app dependencies

  • Run app go run main.go


None 😢


Deployment instructions for heroku.


  • Make sure to have the heroku toolbelt installed.

  • Then run:

    heroku create <app-name> -b https://github.com/kr/heroku-buildpack-go.git
  • Add the heroku git repository to your git remotes

  • Install Godep to manage app dependencies by running: go get github.com/tools/godep

Before pushing

  • Every time that you add a new a dependency, make sure run godep save and add changed files inside Godeps directory.


  • git push <heroku-remote> or git push <heroku-remote> <feature-branch>:master