Hyprland Rice

Catppuccin hyprland theme by maxtaran2010 (aka tmasik.t)

Things that I use


eww hyprland hyprpaper rofi hyprshot swaylock neovim kitty swaync


Nerd Fonts Belanosima Montserrat

Other things

mpd (for music) hyprctl upower python


SUPER + {1-10} - workspace {1-10}
SUPER + SHIFT + {1-10} - move window to workspace {1-10}
SUPER + PRINT - screenshot (region)
SUPER + Enter - terminal
SUPER + C - kill window
SUPER + SHIFT + q - exit HyprLand
SUPER + S - toggle window floating
SUPER + T - toggle window pseudo tiling
SUPER + J - toggle split mode
SUPER + D - wofi
SUPER + scroll - switch between workspaces


Music in bar and in dashboard is only working with mpd, but there is a branch with any player (using playerctl)


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot