
HTTP/3 library written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


nghttp3 is an implementation of HTTP/3 mapping over QUIC and QPACK in C.

It does not depend on any particular QUIC transport implementation.

Branching strategy

As of the beginning of draft-23 development, the new branching strategy has been introduced. The master branch tracks the latest QUIC draft development. When new draft-NN is published, the new branch named draft-NN-1 is created based on the master branch. Those draft-NN branches are considered as "archived", which means that no update is expected. PR should be made to the master branch only.

For older draft implementations:


This library implements HTTP/3 draft-23. It can exchange basic HTTP request, response and server push, but does not fully implement the specification at the moment.


This library implements QPACK draft-10. It supports dynamic table.


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 nghttp3 contributors