How to hack on it

  1. Have docker, and Nextflow installed
  2. nextflow run main.nf

Some thoughts on reference building:

  • We could use the glob and if you just drop a fasta in s3 bucket it'll get picked up and new resources built
    • Could take this a step further and make it a little config file that has the fasta, gtf, genome_size etc.
  • How do we avoid rebuilding? Ideally we should build once on a new minor release of an aligner/reference. IMO kinda low priority because the main cost is going to be egress, not compute.
  • How much effort is too much effort?
    • Should it be as easy as adding a file on s3?
      • No that shouldn't be a requirement, should be able to link to a reference externally(A "source of truth" ie an FTP link), and the workflow will build the references
      • So like mulled biocontainers, just make a PR to the samplesheet and boom new reference in the s3 bucket if it's approved?



  • Replace aws-igenomes
    • bwa, bowtie2, star, bismark need to be built
    • fasta, gtf, bed12, mito_name, macs_gsize blacklist, copied over

Other nice things to have:

  • Building our test-datasets
  • Downsampling for a unified genomics test dataset creation, (Thinking about viralitegration/rnaseq/wgs) and spiking in test cases of interest(Specific variants for example)