
This is an application that runs like the Awwwards website, that allows users to submit projects that can then be reviwed by other users.

Primary LanguageHTML

License: MIT Django Python 3.6


This is a clone of the Desktop version of popular website Awwards

Live Link

You can preview the deployed application here 👉🏾 Awwards

Getting Started

User Stories

As a user, I would like to:

  • View posted projects and their details
  • Post a project to be rated/reviewed
  • Rate/ review other users' projects
  • Search for projects
  • View projects overall score
  • View my profile page


The program lets the user create an account

Example input: Submit Sign up form.
Example output: User receives sign up email and is able to login using their credentials.

The program lets the admin upload photos

Example input: Upload photos
Example output: Image is shown on timeline and profile

The program lets the user search for other users

Example input: User keys in search term
Example output: displays results based on search term

The program lets the user like photo

Example input: User clicks on like icon
Example output: likes increases by one

Setup & Installation


Click on the any of the buttons to get instructions on how to install the technology on your local machine.

  • Git
  • Python 3.6
  • Pip
  • Virtualenv
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL

Installation ⬇️

Known Bugs 🐛

There are no known bugs yet but if you encounter a bug(s) create an issue stating the problem(s).

Technologies used 💻

Django Python 3.6 PostgreSQL HEROKU Git Bootstrap Pip HTML5

Author 👨🏾

Maxwell Waiyaki

License 📝

License: MIT ©️ 2018