CSS Box Model Lab

In this lab, you'll have the opportunity to design a student newsletter. The content already exists -- you just need to style it to the best of your ability!

Lab Setup

Getting started

  1. Fork and clone this repository.

  2. Navigate to the cloned repository's directory on your command line. Then, run the following command:

    npm install

    This will install the libraries needed to run the tests.

  3. Open up the repository in VSCode. Follow the instructions below to complete the Lab.


To run the tests, you can run the following command from the command line. You will need to be in the root directory of your local directory.

npm test

This will open the Cypress testing window, where you can click to run an individual suite of tests or all of the tests at once.


To complete the tests in this lab, you will need to add the following styles. If you're unclear about any of the instructions below, remember that you can check the test file to see what exactly is being tested.

Hint: while styling, you can use the following to help see your elements and understand their overall placement and size:

* {
   border: 1px solid gold;
  • Set all paragraph text to have a font of sans-serif.
  • Set all heading text to have a font of serif.
  • Set all heading text to be centered.
  • Set all anchor elements to have no text decoration.
  • Set all anchor elements to have a color of #4242EA.
  • Set all unordered lists to have no list-style.
  • Set all span elements inside the footer to have a font-weight of 700.
  • Set all paragraph text inside the element with the class of weather to have a font size of 40px.
  • Set all articles inside the .above-the-fold element to have a display value of inline-block.
  • Set the .weather element to have a width of 300px.
  • Set the .weather element to have a 2px gray border on all sides.
  • Set the .breaking-news element to have a top/down padding of 0px and a left/right padding of 30px.
  • Set the image inside of the .breaking-news element to have a width of 200px.
  • Set all articles inside the element with the class of .click-bait to have a display of inline-block.
  • Set all articles inside the element with the class of .click-bait to have a width of 250px.
  • Set all articles inside the element with the class of .click-bait to have 16px of margin and padding on all sides.
  • Set all articles inside the element with the class of .click-bait to have box-sizing set to border-box.
  • Set all articles inside the element with the class of .below-the-fold to have a display of inline-block.
  • Set the image inside the element with the class of .below-the-fold to have a display of inline-block.
  • Set the image inside the element with the class of .below-the-fold to have 16px of margin and padding on all sides.
  • Set the image inside the element with the class of .below-the-fold to have a width of 200px.
  • Set the div inside the element with the class of .below-the-fold to have a width of 500px.

Once your complete with the above tasks, your page should look something like the image below.

Completed lab image.

Once you've completed these tasks, continue to style your page. Consider adding specific styles to all list items, only list items under the "Libraries" heading, the introductory paragraph, and the "Hardest Bug So Far" section.

Bonus Ideas

Better alignment of inline elements. There are a few ways to approach this. Display Flex, and related properties, are recommended