This (will be) a Rails engine to make it really easy to make a simple, searchable, one page knowlage base for whatever.
One day I got really angry that this code didn't exist. Yes it is really easy, but no one should ever have to write this again.
- include gem
gem 'wisdom', github:'maxwell/wisdom'
- run migrations
bundle && rake wisdom:install:migrations db:migrate db:test:prepare
- Mount it in your routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Wisdom::Engine => "/wisdom"
- (optional) Make an initializer to set some defaults
Wisdom.config do |config|
config.current_user_method = lambda{ current_user }
config.admin_method = :is_staff?
config.site_title = "My Documentation site"
config.contact_email = 'maxwell@backerkit.com'
Thats it!
Now go to your wisdom route and start making some docs.
Want to help? Submit a pull request with tests and I will be a happy camper.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.