Note to ECIR reviewers: We are in the process of refactoring the LogUI code, incorporating the final features as presented in the demonstration paper you are reading. This is a new repository in which the server code will be shortly placed. In a few weeks' time, implementation of a beta version will be complete. Implementing a framework of this complexity takes time to get right, and we're sure you'll find the end result beneficial for the community. (2020-10-30)
LogUI is a powerful, framework-agnostic client-side JavaScript library that can be used for logging interactions that take place on a webpage. Primarily designed for Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) experiments, LogUI can in theory be used on any page or site that you wish to track fine-grained user interactions with UI components.
This is the LogUI server repository. You can use this server in tandem with the LogUI JavaScript client library, available at this repository.
The LogUI library is implemented by David Maxwell, a postdoctoral researcher at TUDelft in the Netherlands. The library is borne out of the need for infrastructure that allows one to undertake the logging of user interactions in a consistent way, rather than the piecemeal approach that we've seen in IIR experimentation.
We think that a one-size-fits-all logging library is just the ticket for your experiments!
To be completed.