A Simple Form Generator for Angular.
- @angular/common: 4.0.0 or higher,
- @angular/core: 4.0.0 or higher,
- @angular/forms: 4.0.0 or higher,
- @fagnerlima/ng-mask: 2.2.1 or higher,
- @ngx-translate/core: 7.0.0 or higher,
- rxjs: 5.4.2 or higher.
- Install AngularForms using npm:
npm i @voxtecnologia/angular-forms
- Import the styles.css:
- Import the AngularFormsModule into Module class.
import { AngularFormsModule } from '@voxtecnologia/angular-forms';
imports: [
// ...
export class MyModule { }
- Insert the AngularFormsComponent into template.
<rb-angular-forms [groups]="customForm"></rb-angular-forms>
The customForm attribute represents the JSON coming from API. For example:
"code": "G-01",
"description": "Fieldset Group",
"type": "group",
"questions": [
"name": "Q-0101",
"description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
"type": "checkbox",
"defaultOption": "false",
"validations": [
{ "type": "pattern", "message": "Required field.", "value": "true" }
"name": "Q-0102",
"description": "Radio Question 0102",
"type": "radio",
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"defaultOption": "Option 1",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"name": "Q-0103",
"description": "Select Question 0103",
"type": "select",
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"editableOption": "Option 2",
"placeholder": "Select",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"name": "Q-0104",
"description": "Text Question 0104",
"type": "text",
"placeholder": "Text Question 0104",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." },
{ "type": "minlength", "message": "Min Length: 3", "value": 3 },
{ "type": "maxlength", "message": "Max Length: 10", "value": 10 }
"name": "Q-0105",
"description": "Text Question 0105",
"type": "text",
"placeholder": "Text Question 0105",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." },
{ "type": "pattern", "message": "Format: 00000-000", "value": "^\\d{5}-\\d{3}$" }
"mask": "00000-000"
"name": "Q-0106",
"description": "TextArea Question 0106",
"type": "textarea",
"placeholder": "TextArea Question 0106",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"dependencies": [
{ "code": "Q-0103", "criteria": "equals", "expectedAnswer": "Option 1" }
"code": "G-02",
"description": "DataTable Group",
"type": "datatable",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Min number of registers: 1." },
{ "type": "minlength", "message": "Min number of registers: 1.", "value": 1 },
{ "type": "maxlength", "message": "Max number of registers: 3.", "value": 3 }
"questions": [
"name": "Q-0201",
"description": "Select Question 0201",
"type": "select",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
"placeholder": "Select"
"name": "Q-0202",
"description": "Text Question 0202",
"type": "text",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"placeholder": "Text Question 0202"
"name": "Q-0201",
"description": "Select Question 0201",
"type": "select",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
"placeholder": "Select",
"answer": "Option 2"
"name": "Q-0202",
"description": "Text Question 0202",
"type": "text",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"placeholder": "Text Question 0202",
"answer": "Answer 0202"
- Get form values by adding a local variable to the component and calling the getForm() method. For example:
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm"></rb-angular-forms>
<button (click)="print(angularForms.getForm())">Print Form</button>
export class MyComponent {
print(value: any) {
The output of getForm() is an object that contains:
- valid: Informs if the forms is valid, that is, if it agrees with all the validations.
- value: An object that contains the groups of questions with their respective answers. Groups and questions are represented by their respective code; and each question has its answer.
Example output:
valid: false,
value: {
"G-01": [
"Q-101": "Option 1",
"Q-102": "123"
"G-02": {
"Q-201": "Option 1",
"Q-202": "Option 2",
"Q-203": null,
"Q-204": null
AngularFormsComponent's public methods and properties:
Method | Function |
isValid() | Returns the status of form. |
isPristine() | Returns if the user has not yet changed some value in the form. |
isDirty() | Returns if the user has changed some value in the form. |
getAnswersGroups() | Returns only the answers grouped in yours respective Groups. |
getAnswers() | Returns only the answers of simple Questions and of DataTables (that is considered a Question). |
getForm() | Returns an object with two attributes: valid (return of isValid method) and value (return of getAnswersGroups method. |
submit() | Send the form, enabling the validation of all questions. |
formGroup | FormGroup's instance of the ReactiveForms. |
status | Returns the form's status: *LOADING, READY, ERROR or null. |
getGroupByCode(code) | Returns a Group according with code. |
- The AngularFormsComponent contains two output events:
Output | Function |
ready | When the form's build is finished. |
error | When occurs any error in form's build (throws the error object). |
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" (ready)="onReady()" (error)="onError($event)"></rb-angular-forms>
- If you want only to show the answers from JSON, use the readOnly input with true value (your default value is false).
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" [readOnly]="true"></rb-angular-forms>
- For you config the language to be used by AngularForms, use the lang input. There are two langs available: en-US (default) and pt-BR.
<rb-angular-forms #angularForms [groups]="customForm" lang="pt-BR"></rb-angular-forms>
The Group represents a grouping of questions, which can be of two types: Fieldset and DataTable.
The Group contains the public method getQuestionByName, that returns a question according with name.
Fieldset is a grouping of questions that represents a simple fieldset of HTML. The value of your type is "group".
"code": "G-01",
"description": "Fieldset Group",
"type": "group",
"questions": [
"name": "Q-0101",
"description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
"type": "checkbox",
"validations": []
"name": "Q-0102",
"description": "Select Question 0102",
"type": "select",
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"validations": []
DataTable is a grouping of questions that represents a data table, where you add many answers.
"code": "G-01",
"description": "DataTable Group",
"type": "datatable",
"questions": [
"name": "Q-0101",
"description": "Checkbox Question 0101",
"type": "checkbox",
"validations": []
"name": "Q-0102",
"description": "Select Question 0102",
"type": "select",
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"validations": []
"validations": []
Question represents a simple question, which can be of five types:
- checkbox;
- radio;
- select;
- text;
- textarea.
The Question contains the public setter method description, that permits alter label of questions.
Checkbox represents a checkbox input from HTML.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Checkbox Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "checkbox",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"defaultOption": "false"
Radio represents a radio input from HTML.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Radio Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "radio",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"defaultOption": null
Select represents a select input from HTML.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Select Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "select",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"options": ["Option 1", "Option 2"],
"defaultOption": null,
"editableOption": "Option 2",
"placeholder": "Select an option"
For the Radio and Select Questions, the option attribute can be a string array or an object array (Option Interface).
// ...
"options": [
{ "value": "op1", "description": "Option 1" },
{ "value": "op2", "description": "Option 2" }
// ...
Text represents a text input from HTML.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Text Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "text",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"mask": null,
"placeholder": null
Mask is an attribute of Text Question that uses the patterns of the NgMask library.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Text Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "text",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"mask": "integer(6)",
"placeholder": null
Read more in https://fagnerlima.github.io/ng-mask/.
TextArea represents a text input from HTML.
"name": "Q-01",
"description": "Text Question",
"dependencies": [],
"type": "textarea",
"answer": null,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"placeholder": null
Validations can be used in Question and DataTable, which can be of seven types:
- email;
- max;
- min;
- maxlength;
- minlength;
- pattern;
- required.
E-mail validation.
"type": "email",
"message": "Email field."
Max value validation for numbers.
"type": "max",
"message": "Max value: 100.",
"value": 100
Min value validation for numbers.
"type": "min",
"message": "Min value: 10.",
"value": 10
Max length validation.
"type": "maxlength",
"message": "Max length: 12.",
"value": 12
Min length validation.
"type": "minlength",
"message": "Min length: 6.",
"value": 6
Regular expression validation.
"type": "pattern",
"message": "Pattern: 00000-000.",
"value": "^\\d{5}-\\d{3}$"
Obligatory field validation. The requiredTrue field is used for checkbox validation.
"type": "required",
"message": "Required field.",
"requiredTrue": false
Dependencies are Questions that determine if a Question should be shown or no. The criterias can be of four types:
- equals;
- lessthan;
- greaterthan;
- notequals.
"name": "Q-0106",
"description": "Question TextArea 0106",
"type": "textarea",
"placeholder": "Question TextArea 0106",
"validations": [
{ "type": "required", "message": "Required field." }
"dependencies": [
{ "code": "Q-0103", "criteria": "equals", "expectedAnswer": "Option 1" },
{ "code": "Q-0104", "criteria": "greaterthan", "expectedAnswer": "10" }