
Github stats card for Home Assistant

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github Flexi Card

GitHub Release GitHub All Releases Community Forum hacs_badge

Home Assistant card displaying data from Github integration


The aim of this card is to show all the data provided by github integration. You can specify what kind of data is shown and where. Entity rows are matching the size of other standard entity rows from other native cards (e.g. height of the row, icon/text margins, font sizes, etc).

This code works as both: card and enrity-row

Note: If you plan to use it only as entity row you can consider using the other simpler/smaller code written by benct: github-entity-row



Note: Please do not change the original entity IDs otherwise card won't be able to find related entities.

Default configuration

Please see the following file: default-config.ts


Name Type Default Since Description
title string v0.1.0 Card header/title text
entities list(Entity) | string v0.1.0 Collection of entities to display. You can provide simple list of entity_id strings.
sort list(SortOptions) v1.0.0 Sort options collection (order matters). Every next sorting option is used fot the next level sorting (if the values of the previous one are same)
auto string | false "_latest_release" v2.0.0 Whether to add entities automatically based on the entity ID suffix. You can specify here a different suffix which should be used to find entities

+ Entity Properties - applied to all entities


Name Type Default Since Description
entity string (required) v0.1.0 Entity ID e.g. sensor.my_github_project

+ Entity Properties

Entity Properties

Name Type Default Since Description
name KString friendly_name v0.1.0 Name override
secondary_info KString v0.1.0 String to display underneath the entity name
attributes list(Attribute) v0.1.0 Attributes to display
url KString | bool v0.2.0 Url to open on click/tap. (when true is used the target url becomes repo homepage)
attribute_urls bool v0.2.0 When set to true turns on default urls for all the displayed attributes
attribute_color string var(--primary-color) v2.0.0 Color applied to all attributes (icons or labels)
icon string "mdi:github" v0.2.0 Override for entity icon
icon_color string v2.0.0 Icon color override
compact_view bool true v1.0.0 When set to false big icons (and values) are displayed


Name Type Default Since Description
name string (required) v0.1.0 Name of the attribute
icon string v0.1.0 Icon override (there are default icons for most of the available attributes)
url KString | bool v0.2.0 Url to open on click/tap. (there are default urls for most of the available attributes, so you can just use true)
label KString v0.5.0 Label/text which will be shown instead of the icon
color string var(--primary-color) v2.0.0 Icon / label color

Attribute names

When you enable Github Integration it creates couple entities for every repo. Each entity for single repo has a common prefix e.g. "sensor.maxwroc_github_flexi_card_". The last part of the entity name is (what I call here) repo attribute e.g. for "sensor.maxwroc_github_flexi_card_pull_requests" entity the attribute name is "pull_requests".


I suggest to enable "Diagnostic" entities for your repo(s) on the devices page.

It is possible to access entity attributes by adding an underscore with the name of the attribute. E.g. if you want to get the tag attribute from *_latest_release entity you can use latest_release_tag as the attribute name in the configuration.


Special repo attributes:

Name Description
path Repository path e.g. maxwroc/github-flexi-card
owner First part of repository path e.g. maxwroc for the maxwroc/github-flexi-card repo
repo Second part of repository path e.g. github-flexi-card for the maxwroc/github-flexi-card repo

Sort options

Name Type Default Since Description
by string (required) v1.0.0 Name of the attribute
ascending bool false v1.0.0 Whether to sort ascending or descending


KeywordString is a string which can contain special keywords. Keywords are the repo attribute names surrounded by curly brackets. Keywords in the string will be replaced by attribute values.

E.g. "Card version {latest_release_tag}" becomes "Card version v1.5.0"

Converting keyword value

Keywords support simple functions to convert the values

Func Example Description
replace([old_string],[new_string]) {latest_release|replace(Git,Proj)} Simple replace. E.g. if name contains "Git" string then it will be replaced by "Proj"
conditional() {latest_release_tag|conditional()} If the value doesn't exist nothing is rendered (the default behaviour is to render the keyword)
round([number]) {state|round(2)} Rounds the value to number of fractional digits. Not very useful for this card I think (the KString processing code was copied from the other card so I just left this func)

Configuration examples


type: 'custom:github-flexi-card'
title: Github projects
  - entity: sensor.maxwroc_battery_state_card_latest_release
    secondary_info: 'Released {latest_release_tag}'
    url: "{latest_release_url}" # url taken from attribute
      - name: stars
        url: true # default url to /stargazers
      - name: issues
        url: "https://my.custom.url/path"
      - name: forks
      - name: pull_requests
        url: "{latest_pull_request_url}" # url taken from attribute
  - entity: sensor.hideseek_mod
    url: true # default url - repo homepage
      - views
      - stars
      - forks
  - entity: sensor.urleditorpro
    name: 'Url Editor Pro (v{latest_release_tag})'
    secondary_info: '{latest_pull_request}'
      - views
      - stars
      - issues


Note: different type has to be used custom:github-entity


type: entities
title: Displayed as entity
show_header_toggle: false
  - sensor.home_assistant_v2_db
  - type: 'custom:github-entity'
    entity: sensor.battery_state_card
    secondary_info: 'Released {latest_release_tag}'
    url: true
    attribute_urls: true
      - stars
      - issues
      - forks
      - pull_requests
      - watchers
  - sensor.hassio_online
  - sensor.last_boot
  - sensor.processor_use

Card-level entity properties

Card-level entity properties are useful when you want to have same settings for all of the entities.


type: 'custom:github-flexi-card'
title: Card-level entity properties
secondary_info: 'Released {latest_release_tag}'
url: true
attribute_urls: true
  - views
  - stars
  - issues
  - watchers
  - forks
  - pull_requests
  - sensor.battery_state_card
  - sensor.hideseek_mod
  - sensor.urleditorpro

Labels instead of icons


type: 'custom:github-flexi-card'
title: Labels instead of icons
url: true
attribute_urls: true
  - name: views
    label: Views
  - name: stars
    label: Stars
  - name: issues
    label: Issues
  - sensor.battery_state_card
  - sensor.hideseek_mod
  - sensor.urleditorpro

Compact view (disabling)


type: 'custom:github-flexi-card'
title: Big icons
url: true
attribute_urls: true
  - watchers
  - stars
  - sensor.battery_state_card
  - entity: sensor.hideseek_mod
    compact_view: false
  - sensor.urleditorpro



type: 'custom:github-flexi-card'
title: Sort by starts and forks (asc)
secondary_info: '{latest_release_tag}'
url: true
attribute_urls: true
  - watchers
  - stars
  - issues
  - forks
  - by: stars
  - by: forks
    ascending: true
  - sensor.battery_state_card
  - sensor.hideseek_mod
  - sensor.github_flexi_card
  - sensor.urleditorpro
  - entity: sensor.home_assistant_config
    secondary_info: null

How to install?

Install via HACS. Look for the card in Frontend plugins collection.

If you have a YAML mode remember to add resource entry for the js bundle in ui-lovelace.yaml:

  - url: /hacsfiles/github-flexi-card/github-flexi-card.js
    type: module


If you want to receive notifications whenever something changes with the repo you can use my automation as an example: https://github.com/maxwroc/homeassistant/blob/master/configuration/packages/github.yaml


Card created based on lovelace-card-boilerplate

npm install
npm run build

For new features create your branch based on vNext and for fixes based on master.

Do you like the card?

Don't "buy me a coffee", just star it on github! It will be enough to let me know that you like it and definitely will give me motivation boost to continue working on it and other cards.

My other HA related repos

battery-state-card | homeassistant-config | lovelace-card-boilerplate