
Summarizing Mean Review Score for All Submissions for a Conference hosted on Openreview

Primary LanguagePython

Summarizing Review Score for All Submissions for a Openreview Conference

This is a quick script for parsing through and summarizing the reviews of a conference hosted on Openreview. The script will print out the Mean Mean-Score-of-a-Submission, Median Mean-Score-of-a-Submission, Std Dev Mean-Score-of-a-Submission, as well as displaying a histogram visualization and saving the CSV of the tabulated scores of all non-withdrawn submissions.

Visualization of Openreview Ratings for 2024 ICLR

Installing dependencies

For this, we use miniconda to manage dependencies. After setting it up, you can install the environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate openreview

Running Script

Run the script below. For other conferences, simply look up their corresponding invitation ID, and change line 18 in openreviews_parsing.py to it.

python openreviews_parsing.py