
This template handles both client-side and server-side authentication. This enables the use of SSR through Firebase tokens.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

This template works as any NextJS application. Please refer to the official documentation.


Firebase Web

Retrieve your web credentials by referring to the official documentation. Once in your possession, open src/lib/firebase.client.ts and paste them in there.

⚠️ You will also need to paste the value of apiKey at src/lib/useSSR/useSSR.ts:49.

What?! Inlining credentials, you must be mad. I hear you, I really do, but this is perfectly safe:

"The apiKey in this configuration snippet just identifies your Firebase project on the Google servers."

You can read more about it here.

Firebase Admin

Retrieve your admin credentials by referring to the official documentation. Once in your possession, open src/lib/firebase.admin.ts and update the configuration initialisation to fit your needs.

Loading Page/State

Whilst waiting for the Firebase client to update your credentials, the application will display a loading page/state. You can modify the output at src/providers/auth:94.


In order to utilise your token to fetch content on the server, you will need to wrap your pages with the useSSR hook or a variant thereof e.g., useExampleProps.

export default function Login() {

export const getServerSideProps = useSSR(async (ctx, idToken) => {
  // Redirect to the home page if the user is already logged in.
  if (idToken)
    return {
      redirect: {
        statusCode: 301,
        destination: '/',
      props: {} as never,

  return { props: {} };

The useSSR hook will handle retrieving the token from the request object as well as refreshing it if need be before calling the given callback.


You can extend the behaviour of useSSR to enable more scenario-specific functionality. For instance, you may have data (e.g. none-firebase user record) that must be fetched before each page load.

export interface IUserProps {
  user: User;

// This is an example of a custom SSR hook that extends the base useSRR hook.
export function useUserProps<T extends IUserProps>(
  callback?: Callback
): (ctx: Context) => void {
  return useSSR(async (ctx, idToken) => {
    // Check that a token is given, otherwise redirect to the login page.
    if (!idToken)
      return {
        redirect: {
          statusCode: 301,
          destination: LOGIN_PATH,
        props: {} as never,
    // You can make data fetching calls here and merge the result.
    const user = await api.GetUser(idToken)

    return {
      props: <T>{
        ...(callback ? await callback(ctx, idToken) : {}),

You can define a callback to further fetch additional data.

interface IProps extends IUserProps {
  todos: Task[];  

export default function page() {}

export const getServerSideProps = useUserProps<IProps>(async (ctx, idToken) => {
  return { todos /* Will be merged with parent props */ };