
Everything needed to setup a Linux OS via Docker for software development.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Everything needed to setup a Linux OS via Docker for software development. It is using Docker Compose to help build the image and start the OS along with MySQL.

This contains customized packages and setups for the author's software development needs, such as using Vim to write Python programs. It should be fairly easy to fork and customize to your own setup.

This reduces the effort required to setup a full development environment as it encapsulates all the software needed along with their configurations. Any persisted data (e.g. workspace) are mapped using host or Docker volumes, so the containers can be rebuilt anytime to make changes. ~/workspace directory is using Docker volume for best performance as host volume mapping isn't performant (therefore not ideal for checkouts that have large amount of data). Credentials are mapped from the host via host volume.

Build the image (Dockerfile) and start the OS and MySQL containers per docker-compose.yml:

$ git clone git@github.com:maxzheng/ide.git && cd ide
$ ./up.sh

Building os
Step 1/21 : FROM ubuntu:rolling
Successfully built 777754a93b49
Successfully tagged ide_os:latest

Creating mysql ... done
Creating ide   ... done

There are 3 containers started by Docker Compose:

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID    IMAGE       ...    PORTS                                           NAMES
88f0c5bdadcf    ide_os      ...>5000/tcp,>22/tcp    ide
3e9bd829cb04    mysql       ...    3306/tcp                                        mysql
  • ide: The IDE that contains everything for doing software development (Vim, Python, etc).
  • mysql: MySQL database that is accessible from ide using the hostname mysql for testing.

Start a shell into the ide container via exec:

$ ./shell.sh

Or better yet, SSH into the container:

# Add the following to your .ssh/config first:
# Host ide
#   HostName localhost
#   Port 2222

$ ssh ide

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 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
 * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
 * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantage

Last login: Fri Mar 30 21:25:00 2018 from

[~]$ cd workspace/
[workspace]$ ls
aiohttp-requests  python-examples  workspace-tools