Welcome to OTEDAMA, a system for extracting preordering rules for machine translation. Otedama currently works for English (using the Stanford Parser) as a source language and any target language for which word alignments can be extracted.
OTEDAMA comes pre-packaged with the Stanford Parser. You just need a working installation of java (Version 8.0 or higher, including a compiler).
in the installation directory should create the files parser.jar
, learner.jar
and reorder.jar
in the bin subdirectory.
OTEDAMA cannot handle the unicode input chracters '{', '}', '[', ']', '&', '#', '=' and '>'. It will automatically replace them with the placeholders "-LCB-", "-RCB-", "-LSB-", "-RSB-", "-AMP-", "-NUM-", "-EQU-" and "-GRE-". You can undo this for the system's output by using the postprocess.sh script.
In order to use the Stanford parser, you need to download the models which are not included in this repository.
- Download the parser models from here (282 MB)
- Copy stanford-parser-3.5.2-models.jar to the
directory in this repo.
java -jar bin/parser.jar <english training corpus> <alignments english-foreign> <output file> <verbose_mode: v(erbose) or q(uiet)>
java -jar bin/parser.jar train.en train.en-fr.align train.en-fr.trees v
Specifying "no_align" instead of an alignment file will create an unaligned treebank (such as for reordering test data).
java -jar bin/parser.jar <english_training_corpus> no_align <output_file> <verbose_mode: v(erbose) or q(uiet)>
java -jar bin/parser.jar test.en no_align test.en.trees q
- For Chinese, use
instead ofbin/parser.jar
. - For external dependency parsers that produce output in CoNLL format (http://ilk.uvt.nl/conll/#dataformat), run
to convert labelled dependencies to trees in Otedama's own format. - It is planned to support other output from external parsers eventually.
java -jar bin/learner.jar <english treebank> <number of rules to be learned> <size of training subsets> <size of evaluation treebank> <maximum crossing score> <number of trials> <minimum matching features> <parallel threads> <output file>
java -jar bin/learner.jar train.en-fr.trees 50 20 10000 -200 100 10 4 en-fr.rules
<number of rules to be learned>
:[20-10000] Depends on target language and syntactic complexity of the corpus. 200 ist a good starting value for syntactically simple corpora. As one rule is learned per iteration, bigger rulesets require longer training times.<size of training subsets>
:[20-1000] A new random subset of the specified size is chosen as a learning treebank for extracting rule candidates in each iteration. Bigger training subsets lead to longer training times, but increase the probability of finding a near-optimal new rule in each iteration. Should be at leat 2N, where N is the number of CPUs available for adequate load balancing.<size of evaluation treebank>
:[1000-size of corpus] A new random subset of the specified size is chosen as an evaluation treebank in each iteration. Bigger evaluation treebanks lead to longer training times, but increase the probability of finding a near-optimal new rule in each iteration.<maximum crossing score>
:[0.5-2]((-1)(/100)) Minimum reduction in crossing score in evaluation treebank that each new rule must meet.<number of trials>
: Upper bound on number of iterations that will be run. Iterations which do not yield a rule candidate that fullfils do not result in a new rule. learner.jar will terminate either after rules have been discovered or have been run (successfully or unsuccessfully).<minimum matching features>
:[1-10] 10 for exact matching, <10 for fuzzy matching. The given value is adjusted automatically for nodes that have few children and thus cannot fulfill the given matching criterion. Small values yield very poor results.
java -jar bin/reorder.jar <english treebank> <rule file> <english output treebank> <english surface output> <batch-size> <minimum matching features>
java -jar bin/reorder.jar test.en.trees en-fr.rules test.en.trees.reordered test.en.reordered 1000 10
Greater batch sizes can lead to higher memory consumption. It is recommended to use the same value for as in the learning step, but feel free to experiment with other values. The value of is adjusted automatically for nodes that have few children and thus cannot fulfill the given matching criterion.
Good luck and have fun!
D. Genzel. Automatically Learning Source-side Reordering Rules for Large Scale Machine Translation. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2010, (August):376-384, 2010.
M. Collins, et. al. Clause restructuring for statistical machine translation. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics ACL05, (June):531-540, 2005.
OTEDAMA was created 2013-2015 by Julian Hitschler, Mayumi Ohta, Benjamin Körner and Laura Jehl at the Institute for Computational Linguistics, University of Heidelberg, Germany (www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de). For question, please contact J.H.: hitschler@cl.uni-heidelberg.de
OTEDAMA is licensed under the GNU General Public License (Version 3): http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html