
Make life of developer easier

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Better CI that makes your dev life easier! It allows you to deploy PRs temporarily for a preview. Works with Docker-Compose and K8s deployments.


  1. Docker and Docker-Compose
  2. Kubectl configured

Start CI

  1. Cone Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/mayadata-io/betterci.git
$ cd better_ci
  1. Create .env file with :
  • All Fields except HOST are compulsory
  • ACCESS_KEY only needs public_repo access
  • If HOST is missing from.env the public ip of the system is used.
  • AUTHOR_PERMISSION can have 4 values OWNER, COLLABORATOR, MEMBER or ANY. The value can be the combination of the 4, separated by space.
  1. Start CI Server

    $ go build -o ./output/ .
    $ ./output/better_ci


    $ go run . 

Setup Repo

  1. Add a Web Hook to your repo with the CI server URL. The WebHook only needs Issue comments event access.
WebHook URL : http://<HOST>:<PORT>/webhook
  1. Add Better CI Config to deploy preview builds

    Add a .betterci/ dir at the root of your repo with a config.json file.

    Example config.json

  • Docker-Compose Version : .betterci/config.json
    "cmd":["echo hello","ls -al"],
        "push": false
  • K8s Version : .betterci/config.json
    "cmd":["echo hello","ls -al"],
        "push": true

Config File Doc

  1. cmd : A string array containing simple bash commands to execute, could be used to run tests etc. Currently compound commands like cd dir && ls are not allowed and also cd command isn't possible to execute(limitation of go:os/exec)
  2. build : An object array, containing details of the images to be built dynamically during preview deployment.
    The Object contains the following fields:
    "name" : "<name for the image>",
    "file" : "<relative file path to Dockerfile template>",
    "context" : "<relative path of context for build>",
    "push" : <bool to push to docker hub, used for k8s-manifests>

The field name can be later reused in the Docker-Compose or K8s-Manifest Templates as variables to use the dynamically generated images for the deployment.

All relative paths are with respect to the root of the repository.

  1. docker-compose | k8s-manifest : A string denoting the relative path to the docker-compose file template or k8s-maifest template, both cannot be used at the same time. If used either error will be thrown or docker-compose will be given preference.

Docker-Compose Template

The Docker compose template allows 2 variables :

  1. #{image-name} : image-name is the name of the image you mentioned in the build stage, which is dynamically generated during build. It can be used to build the current image of the PR and use it, without pushing or storing it permanently.
  2. #{PORT} : PORT can be used to dynamically select the port to expose a container service, it is adviced to use this when you have to expose port on the system to access the container services. The PORT value will be added to the comment in the PR after preview deployment, for access.
  • Remember not to give any container-name, it will be auto generated

Example Docker-Compose Template :

version: '3'

            - #{PORT}:80
	image: #{nginx}
	image: #{server}

K8s Template

The K8s deployments only works with nodePort Services and allows the following variables:

  1. #{image-name} : image-name is the name of the image you mentioned in the build stage, which is dynamically generated during build. It can be used to build the current image of the PR and use it, without pushing or storing it permanently.
  • Remember to use "push":true in the build stage for the images used in the k8s deployment
  • The namespaces for the deployments are auto-generated hence,specifying namespace can cause errors
  • Do not mention the nodePort value in the template, as it may cause conflicts with other deployments

Example K8s Template :

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: backend-server
    component: backend-server
  replicas: 1
      component: backend-server
        component: backend-server
      - name: backend-server
        image: #{server}
        - containerPort: 8080
        imagePullPolicy: Always
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: backend-server-service
  type: NodePort
    - name: http
      port: 9002
      targetPort: 8080
    component: backend-server

The templates can be separately defined from the actual deployment files, so you can have a docker-compose.yml and a ci-docker-compose.yml at the same time. Just make sure to mention the correct file path in the -.betterci/config.json

Initiate Build

To start the preview build of a PR in a registered repo -

  • Comment In the PR: /preview
  • Comment In the PR: /preview <integer>

The first form will deploy the preview for a default time of 5mins the second will deploy it for <integer>mins

The links of the exposed services in both docker-compose and k8s case will be added to the comment automatically once they are deployed. Once the link expires an expired message gets edited into the comment itself. Currently, only one build can be active per PR, so once a build is initiated you have to wait before it expires to perform a new build of the PR.


  • Soumya Ghosh Dastidar