
An app for Force to build a website

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An app for Force to build a website


This library requires Force library.

The Function

This website function cannot be called just the way it is, because the first parameter is app object from Force.app instance.

The app object must contains method init and app property, as Force's Manual

This app will generate globals readonly object ForceWebsite, to help its plugins, themes and kitchen to relate to it.


Create tag script to store the configuration, with type application/json.

<script type="application/json" id="website-config"></script>

Don't forget to put some ID, so that next going to be easy to get the text content.

And the sample of the text content as the following.

  "force": {
    "file": "https://9r3i.github.io/force/force.min.js",
    "cache": {
      "age": 2592e5,
      "description": "3 days in mili second = 3*24*60*60*1000",
      "default": 864e5
  "data": {
    "host": "https://sabunjelly.com/api/force/",
    "base": "foxtrot",
    "driver": "ForceData"
  "site": {
    "name": "9r3i",
    "description": "The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim",
    "keywords": "9r3i, Force, Foxtrot",
    "robots": "follow, index",
    "date": {
      "year": "2022",
      "full": "2022-11-13 05:35:44"
    "data": {}
  "kitchen": {
    "namespace": "kitchen",
    "host": "https://9r3i.github.io/force-kitchen",
    "key": "kitchen"
  "theme": {
    "namespace": "foxtrot",
    "host": "https://9r3i.github.io/foxtrot-theme",
    "config": {
      "data": {
        "limit": 8,
        "foot": 55
  "plugins": [
          "href": "?home",
          "text": "Home"
          "href": "?p=tulisan-pertama",
          "text": "Tulisan Pertama"
          "href": "?search",
          "text": "Search"
          "href": "?kitchen",
          "text": "Login"
        "id": "body",
        "holder": "Search...",
        "key": "search"
        "id": "body",
        "images": [56,57,58,59]
  "coverLoader": false

The config above, I use for configuration of my website, https://9r3i.web.id/, visit it if you wish.

Read More

Read more about website app configuration detail in Force's Website Sample


Create tag script to store the configuration, without attribute src.

<script id="force-script"></script>

Don't forget to put some ID, so that next going to be easy to get the text content.

Next is the calling of the app.

(async function(n,h,cnf,f){
  var ctag=document.getElementById(c), // script tag of website configuration, see configuration section
  ftag=document.getElementById(f), // script tag to load force script
  fname='force/virtual/force.js', // virtual path
  fscript=localStorage.getItem(fname), // get the force script if it's already stored in virtual file
  cnf=JSON.parse(ctag.textContent); // parse the config
  if(!fscript){ // check if it's not stored yet
    fscript=await fetch(cnf.force.file).then(r=>r.text()); // fetch the force.js file
    localStorage.setItem(fname,fscript); // store the force script into virtual file, so next time it won't be loaded anymore
  ftag.textContent=fscript; // load the force script, immedietly executed by the browser
  const app=(new Force).app(n,h,cnf); // prepare the app using Force app instance
  await app.init(); // initialize the app
  console.log("A Force app has been loaded, namespace: "
  'website', // website app namespace
  'https://9r3i.github.io/force-website', // host of ForceWebsite
  'website-config', // from configuration section
  'force-script' // script tag where to store the force.js script


  • Force inherited object of Force (readonly)
  • version string of this website app (readonly)
  • root string of website root
  • config object of website config
  • app inherited object of given parameter app
  • theme object of prepared theme
  • kitchen object of prepared kitchen
  • query object of parsed url query
  • data object of loaded data, index to the slugs
  • bulkRaw array of loaded raw data
  • plug object of registered and prepared plugins, before init
  • plugLoaded int of number of loaded plugins
  • pkey string of privilage key
  • kkey string of kitchen key


The methods below is part of the app that has auto-call to proceed on it.

  • init async function of initialization, this method is required by Force.app to initialize the app, auto-call
  • loadPage async function to load a page upon popstate event, auto-call
  • fetchConfig async function to load site.data config from server, auto-call
  • fetchAllData async function to load all data from server without values of contents, and parsed to ForceWebsite.data, auto-call except for kitchen in the first load.
  • themePrepare function to prepare a theme or kitchen, auto-call
  • finishing function to let the app finish the rest of works, including plugins initialization and anchors initialization, auto-call except when the kitchen or theme exit in the middle of process
  • fillPageData function to fill page with data, this method is auto-call, but can be recall if necessary, parameters:
    • content string of content to fill
    • data object of data input
  • anchorInit function to initialize all anchors, it's called by loadPage, means it's auto-call, but i think it won't be conflict if it's called twice
  • anchorExec function of event callback from initialization of anchorInit, means it's auto-call
  • kitchenSet function of kitchen set, auto-call, inner method only
  • slideHeadLoader function to show progress of loading, auto-call while preparing plugins
  • headLoader function of head loader, auto-call from slideHeadLoader
  • loadProgress function of progress callback, auto-call form fetch if turn it on

These methods are inner method but also used to be a helper

  • setTitle function to set title, it's also auto-call but there won't be conflict if it's called again, parameters:
    • txt string of title
    • asHTML bool of put as html using innerHTML instead of innerText; default: false
  • setMeta function to set html meta data, parameters:
    • name string of meta name
    • content string of content
    • key string of meta key; default: name
  • findDataSpace function to find chain of namespaces splitted by dot, parameters:
    • n string of data namespaces
    • data object of data spaces
    • ao bool of object as output; default: false
  • go function to jump the history statement where the location.href is popped in statement, it's being auto-call by loadPage and anchorExec, but it will help much for kitchen, theme and plugins, parameters:
    • href string of url to attach in location.href as statement, and it's not gonna work if href is the same as location.href
  • fetch function to fetch data from ForceServer using method GET, it's been set to database name and host, parameters:
    • mt string of force method (NOT request method)
    • cb function of callback, return argument of mixed data
    • dt object of data to be merged to the url query, so DO NOT put something secret on it
  • request function to fetch data from ForceServer using method POST, mostly it's used in Kitchen page, parameters:
    • mt string of force method (NOT request method)
    • cb function of callback, return argument of mixed data
    • dt object of data to be merged into POST data query
  • upload function to upload TEMPORARY content to the server, parameters:
    • file blob of file; *require
    • cb function of return callback, return: string of temporary data ID or structure.
    • ul function of upload progress callback
  • loadFile function to load a file path or url, from virtual file if exists or load then save into virtual file, parameters:
    • f string of file path or url
    • cb function of callback, return a string of file content
  • getFileContent function to get file content from virtual file if exists or load then save into virtual file, return string of file content, parameters:
    • f string of file path or url
    • l bool of force to load even it exists

These methods are used to be helper

  • contentURL function to generate content url of a data, parameters:
    • id number of data ID
    • rand bool of use random query to prevent browser cache
  • imageURL function to generate image url of a data, parameters:
    • id number of data ID
    • rand bool of use random query to prevent browser cache
  • call function to help call inner function; it's auto-call in fillPageData, but it will be necessary for plugins to execute some operational, parameters:
    • fn function to apply
    • args array of arguments
  • onContentReady function of ready state of content element detected using document.getElementById('content'), return into callback function, object the content element or false if failed, parameters:
    • cb function of callback
    • i int of counter; auto-generate
  • kitchenFormHelper function to help form on submit, parameters:
    • e object of submit event of thr form
    • This will return an object with properties and methods:
      • data object of data, key as data.name and value as data.value
      • submitter object element of submitter
      • target inherited object from event.target
      • web object of global ForceWebsite
      • disable function to disable all inputs in range of the form
      • enable function to enable all inputs in range of the form
      • send function to send data to the server using ForceWebsite.request, parameters:
        • mtd string of force method
        • cb function of callback, after request sent, argument is result from the server
        • bb function of callback, before request, argument is this object


This auto-call means no need to be worried, because it's only worked inside the app, and no plugin, no theme and no kitchen will use this method.


That's all there is to it. Alhamdulillaah...