'A Watchdog on HBase'
Ella: HBase Cluster Monitor on Region,Table,Server Level.###More details, see wiki page(will include chinese wiki 中文使用手册,NOT AVAILABLE NOW!): https://github.com/mayanhui/ella/wiki
Ella is a "Border Collie", a handsome and smart dog.
A watchdog, monitor hbase.
Keyt Feature list:
- Table level request statistics (Write/Read/Total Count, TPS)
- Region level request statistics (Hot Region)
- Server level request statistics (Write/Read/Total Count, TPS, Hot Server)
- zookeeper monitor
- Chart display
- master attribute(hbase version,author,...hadoop version...)
- master and RPC statistics
- Account system for login
##Environment Only Support Linux.
Jetty 8 (http://www.eclipse.org/jetty)
HBase 1.2.* (http://hbase.apache.org)
Hadoop 2.5.* (http://hadoop.apache.org)
MySQL 5.5.* (http://www.mysql.com)
Maven 3.2.* (http://maven.apache.org)
Quartz 1.5 (http://www.quartz-scheduler.org)
You must not install Ella on HBase Master machine.
Supported Browsers
NVD3 runs best on WebKit based browsers.
- Google Chrome: latest version (preferred)
- Opera 15+ (preferred)
- Safari: latest version
- Firefox: latest version
- Internet Explorer: 9 and 10
##How to Use Please see: https://github.com/mayanhui/ella/wiki/How-to-Use
1. Table request details page: (1) add split page for total/write/read (2) add periodic statistics with hour/day/week/month
- Simple install and deploy steps. Change the index page to configuration page, input hbase jmx url and other configure.
- Add detail page for server,region
- Implement easy install script
Ella First Page
Released under the GPLv3 license. For full details, pleasesee the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
各位*年,准备用GO实现ELLA => ella-go