
Full featured blogging application built using Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

💻 Djangolog

Djangolog is a blogging application built using the django framework in Python


  1. User login
  2. Creating articles
  3. Editing existing articles
  4. Comments on articles
  5. Contact me form


Make sure python3 and git is installed.

  1. From the main working directory, run the below commands
    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  2. Set the username and password in settings.py file for sending mails
  3. To start the server, run
    python manage.py runserver
  4. Create a superuser to log in to django-admin
    python manage.py createsuperuser

Additional instructions

Install Python :

From official website

To check version of Python :

py --version
python --version

Create a virtual environment :

py -m venv blog_app

To activate virtual-environment :


To deactivate virtual-environment :


To install a package in virtual environment :

py -m pip install package_name

To install django :

py -m pip install django
django --version

To check django version :

py -m django --version

To start a new app :

python manage.py startapp your_app_name

Then make an entry for the app in the INSTALLED_APPS section in settings.py Include URL's of your new app using include() in url.py (main app)

While activating if terminal shows, "running scripts is disabled on this system"

There are 4 policy levels to choose from. From most secure to most insecure:

  1. Restricted: No Powershell scripts can be run. This is the default setting.

  2. AllSigned: Scripts can be run, but all must have a digital signature. Even if you wrote the script yourself on the local computer.

  3. RemoteSigned: Locally-written scripts can be run. But scripts from outside (email, IM, Internet) must be signed by a trusted publisher.

  4. Unrestricted: Any script will run. Regardless of who created them or whether they are signed.

    To view the current systemwide Execution Policy setting :


    To set execution policy :

    Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned

Touch alternative in windows powershell :

$null > file_name.cpp

Configure GIT :

git config --global user.email "user_mail"
git config --global user.name "user_name"
NOTE: Make .gitignore file after initialising the GIT repository

To run the application server :

python manage.py runserver

For migrating the models to the database :

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

While making a POST request through a form to the server, include :

{% csrf_token %}

To checkout a particular branch:

git checkout <branch-name>

To list all the branches in the git repository:

git branch -a

To lists all the modules installed for the project:

py -m pip freeze
py -m pip list

To merge a branch into master branch:

Change to master branch

git checkout master
git merge <branch-name>

To see branch graphs in git:

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

To see all remotes

git remote -v

To push all branches to remote repository

git push --all <remote-origin>

To add a new remote to push changes to

git remote add new-remote-origin-name https://github.com/user_name/repo.git

If you happen to delete db.sqlite3 file, run:

python manage.py migrate


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
