Text Search Optimisation Using Trees

The following files are in the repository:

  1. tester.py - Has some preset queries for both models to compare the results.
  2. Trie.py - Implementation of the core trie model.
  3. Content.py - Model to store the text corpus details.
  4. Document.py - A combination of 2 and 3 to make the complete model implementation.
  5. LinearModel.py - Implementation of the linear substring search algorithm.
  6. Document_Driver.py - Execution file to use the Document model.
  7. LinearModel_Driver.py - Execution file to use the Linear model.

To execute these files, do the following:
Step 1: Download the files from the repository using the mentioned GitHub link.
Step 2: Install Python3 on your system.
Step 3: Execute the required files using the following command,
```bash python3 .py ```