
Compiler Hardening for C/C++ based on OpenSSF recommended best practices

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Compiler Hardening for C/C++ based on the OpenSSF Compiler Hardening Guide


Run this in your build environment, otherwise might give inaccurate results due to compiler being different than the one used in production

python3 temper.py --makefile <path-to-project-makefile>


| |_   ___  _ __ ___   _ __    ___  _ __
| __| / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | '_ \  / _ \| '__|
| |_ |  __/| | | | | || |_) ||  __/| |
 \__| \___||_| |_| |_|| .__/  \___||_|

usage: temper.py [-h] [-m MAKEFILE] [-i INPUT_JSON_PATH] [-o] [--apply] [-l] [-d] [--show]

Temper: Harden your C/C++ projects - Analyse and find secure compiler options for your makefile

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MAKEFILE, --makefile MAKEFILE
                        Path to Makefile to analyse and get recommendations
  -i INPUT_JSON_PATH, --input-json-path INPUT_JSON_PATH
                        Path to input json generated from tool to get recommendations
  -o, --output          Store analysed options in json output file
  --apply               Apply recommended options to Makefile
  -l, --list            List compiler options in OpenSSF database
  -d, --debug           Debug mode
  --show                Show configured options in Makefile




  • Database Updater Scraper: extra/scraper.py
    • Fetches OpenSSF Compiler Options HTML page
    • Extracts all tables using BeautifulSoup4
    • Extracted the relevant tables for recommended compiler options to create db.json file