
📝the assignment of Andrew Ng's deep learning courses in Coursera

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository is my own coding assignment of Andrew Ng's deep learning courses in Coursera.In addition, I also put the original .ipynb files and data in the corresponding folders.

If you find something wrong, please feel free to contact me : jeff.xinsc@gmail.com.

If this repository is helpful to you, welcome to star or fork.

‼️More content about deep learning👉shichaoxin.com.


📌assignment2_1: Python Basics with Numpy

  1. Be able to use numpy functions and numpy matrix/vector operations
  2. Understand the concept of "broadcasting"
  3. Be able to vectorize code

📌assignment2_2: Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset

  1. Build the general architecture of a learning algorithm, including:
    • Initializing parameters
    • Calculating the cost function and its gradient
    • Using an optimization algorithm (gradient descent)
  2. Gather all three functions above into a main model function, in the right order


📌assignment3:Planar data classification with one hidden layer

  1. Implement a 2-class classification neural network with a single hidden layer
  2. Use units with a non-linear activation function, such as tanh
  3. Compute the cross entropy loss
  4. Implement forward and backward propagation


📌assignment4_1:Building your Deep Neural Network: Step by Step

  1. Use non-linear units like ReLU to improve your model
  2. Build a deeper neural network (with more than 1 hidden layer)
  3. Implement an easy-to-use neural network class

📌assignment4_2:Deep Neural Network for Image Classification: Application

  1. Build and apply a deep neural network to supervised learning



  1. Training your neural network requires specifying an initial value of the weights
  2. Choose the initialization for a new neural network
  3. A well chosen initialization can:
    • Speed up the convergence of gradient descent
    • Increase the odds of gradient descent converging to a lower training (and generalization) error


  1. Use regularization in your deep learning models

📌assignment5_3:Gradient Checking

  1. Implement and use gradient checking


📌assignment6:Optimization Methods

  1. Understand the intuition between Adam and RMS prop
  2. Recognize the importance of mini-batch gradient descent
  3. Learn the effects of momentum on the overall performance of your model


📌assignment7:TensorFlow Tutorial

In this assignment, you will learn to do the following in TensorFlow:

  1. Initialize variables
  2. Start your own session
  3. Train algorithms
  4. Implement a Neural Network


📌assignment1:Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step

In this assignment, you will :

  1. implement convolutional (CONV) and pooling (POOL) layers in numpy, including both forward propagation and (optionally) backward propagation.

📌assignment2:Convolutional Neural Networks: Application

In this assignment, you will :

  1. Implement helper functions that you will use when implementing a TensorFlow model.
  2. Implement a fully functioning ConvNet using TensorFlow.

After this assignment you will be able to:

  1. Build and train a ConvNet in TensorFlow for a classification problem.


📌assignment1:Keras tutorial - the Happy House

In this assignment, you will :

  1. Learn to use Keras, a high-level neural networks API (programming framework), written in Python and capable of running on top of several lower-level frameworks including TensorFlow and CNTK.
  2. See how you can in a couple of hours build a deep learning algorithm.

📌assignment2:Residual Networks

In this assignment, you will :

  1. Implement the basic building blocks of ResNets.
  2. Put together these building blocks to implement and train a state-of-the-art neural network for image classification.

"ResNet50.h5" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.


📌assignment1:Autonomous driving - Car detection

In this assignment, you will :

  1. Learn about object detection using the very powerful YOLO model.
  2. Use object detection on a car detection dataset.
  3. Deal with bounding boxes.

"yolo.h5" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.


📌assignment1:Face Recognition for the Happy House

In this assignment, you will :

  1. Implement the triplet loss function.
  2. Use a pretrained model to map face images into 128-dimensional encodings.
  3. Use these encodings to perform face verification and face recognition.

📌assignment2:Deep Learning & Art: Neural Style Transfer

In this assignment, you will :

  • Implement the neural style transfer algorithm.
  • Generate novel artistic images using your algorithm.

"imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.


📌assignment1:Building your Recurrent Neural Network - Step by Step

In this assignment, you will :

  • Implement your first Recurrent Neural Network in numpy.

📌assignment2:Character level language model - Dinosaurus land

In this assignment, you will learn:

  • How to store text data for processing using an RNN.
  • How to synthesize data, by sampling predictions at each time step and passing it to the next RNN-cell unit.
  • How to build a character-level text generation recurrent neural network.
  • Why clipping the gradients is important.

📌assignment3:Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network

In this assignment, you will :

  • Apply an LSTM to music generation.
  • Generate your own jazz music with deep learning.


📌assignment1:Operations on word vectors

After this assignment you will be able to:

  • Load pre-trained word vectors, and measure similarity using cosine similarity.
  • Use word embeddings to solve word analogy problems such as Man is to Woman as King is to __.
  • Modify word embeddings to reduce their gender bias.


In this assignment, you will :

  • Use word vector representations to build an Emojifier.

"glove.6B.50d.txt" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.


📌assignment1:Neural Machine Translation

In this assignment, you will :

  • Build a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to translate human readable dates ("25th of June, 2009") into machine readable dates ("2009-06-25").
  • Use an attention model.

📌assignment2:Trigger Word Detection

In this assignment you will learn to:

  • Structure a speech recognition project.
  • Synthesize and process audio recordings to create train/dev datasets.
  • Train a trigger word detection model and make predictions.

"Trigger word detection/XY_train/X.npy" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.

"Trigger word detection/XY_dev/X_dev.npy" is too large (>100MB) to push to github.If you need this file, please email me.