
Folder Structure

-> All main code inside src/ directory

  1. src/app
 page.tsx => home page , login
 StoreProvider.tsx => provider for redux
 ChakraProvider => provider for chakra ui
 /signup => signup route
 / analyze => main page to upload analysis text or file
 /analysis-result => route for displaying result from api
 / history => user history
  1. src/components => have components for login , navbar and file drop

  2. src/hooks => isAuthenticated hook for protecting routes that require login

  3. src/http => axios config for calling api's

  4. src/icons

  5. src/store => redux toolkit configuration

  6. src/utlis => have utlity fn like exportToPdf

Running locally

  1. Clone this repo or download zip

  2. navigate to root folder of this project

  3. run this command to install dependencies

npm install
  1. run this command to start server
npm run dev