
Deploy Astro v4 on Vercel Edge Functions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A fork of @astrojs/vercel/edge created to deploy Astro v3/v4 on Vercel Edge Functions. See discussion for why this fork was needed.

npm add astro-vercel-edge

The API is backwards compatible, so only the package name needs to be changed if coming from @astrojs/vercel/edge.

- import vercel from '@astrojs/vercel/edge';
+ import vercel from 'astro-vercel-edge';

Your config file should look like something this:

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import vercel from 'astro-vercel-edge';

export default defineConfig({
 output: 'server',
 adapter: vercel(),


This adapter is for SSR inside Edge functions (along with some prerendered routes if using hybrid mode).

For serverless Node.js functions, use @astrojs/vercel.

For static sites, you don't need an adapter.

Note Deploying to the Edge has its limitations. An edge function can't be more than 1 MB in size and they don't support native Node.js APIs, among others.


đź“š Deployment works exactly the same as the Vercel serverless adapter. Read the serverless deployment guide here.

You can deploy by CLI (vercel deploy) or by connecting your new repo in the Vercel Dashboard. Alternatively, you can create a production build locally:

astro build
vercel deploy --prebuilt


To configure this adapter, pass an object to the vercel() function call in astro.config.mjs:


You can enable Vercel Analytics (including Web Vitals and Audiences) by setting analytics: true. This will inject Vercel’s tracking scripts into all your pages.

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'server',
  adapter: vercel({
    analytics: true,


Configuration options for Vercel's Image Optimization API. See Vercel's image configuration documentation for a complete list of supported parameters.

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'server',
  adapter: vercel({
    imagesConfig: {
      sizes: [320, 640, 1280],


When enabled, an Image Service powered by the Vercel Image Optimization API will be automatically configured and used in production. In development, a built-in Sharp/Squoosh-based service will be used instead.

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'server',
  adapter: vercel({
    imageService: true,
import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
import astroLogo from '../assets/logo.png';

<!-- This component -->
<Image src={astroLogo} alt="My super logo!" />

<!-- will become the following HTML -->
  alt="My super logo!"


Use this property to force files to be bundled with your function. This is helpful when you notice missing files.

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'server',
  adapter: vercel({
    includeFiles: ['./my-data.json'],

Note When building for the Edge, all the dependencies get bundled in a single file to save space. No extra file will be bundled. So, if you need some file inside the function, you have to specify it in includeFiles.