
Boilerplate application for the provider architecture

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A Flutter Skeleton application for the provider architecture.


  • This project is a starting point for a Flutter application using the provider architecture.
  • This project heavily uses the flutter tutorials and snippets of the filled stacks youtube channel.
  • Feel free to send in Pull Requests to improve the application.

Filled Stacks Links:


Master branch

  • custom routing
  • script for autoformatting on commits
  • localization
  • validation mixin
  • json serialization
  • functional widgets
  • http service
  • navigation service
  • key storage service
  • dialog service
  • api service
  • connectivity service
  • dynamic theme switcher
  • platform adaptive widgets
  • life cycle manager
  • app settings
  • custom fonts
  • app icons
  • local storage service
  • network sensitive ui
  • graphQL api service

Geolocator branch

  • location service
  • location permission service

Starting pages included

  • Tab Container
  • Home View
  • Settings View
  • Login View


  • run ./format.sh to setup git pre commit formatting
  • run flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs if you plan to add/change any serializers once
  • run flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs if you plan to add/change any serializers multiple times

Adding support for another language

  • Find the language local code for here codes
  • Inside of lib/local_setup.dart add the local code to supportedLocales and supportedLocalCodes
  • Create a <local>.json file under assets/lang/ and fill out every value for your language
  • Run flutter clean inside you lib apps directory if flutter complains
  • There is also a different way to implement locals using the intl package. An example on how to do so can be found here

Adding app icon

  • Change icon assets/images/logo.png another image
  • If new icon has a different path update flutter_icons: in the pubspec.yaml file
  • Run flutter flutter pub get and then flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

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