Download dataset: ------------------------------------------------- 1) Malware use Drebin and add the files to Dataset/malware/raw 2) Goodware use AndroZoo (Command line script: az -n 6000 -m -vt 0:0 -o <output folder> -t 4 -i <androzoo.csv> -k <api key>) and add the files to Dataset/goodware/raw ------------------------------------------------- Install: ------------------------------------------------- Run: pip3 install -r Docs/pip3_requirements.txt ------------------------------------------------- Build Data Set: ------------------------------------------------- 1) Run 2) Run 3) Run 4) Run step 1 to 3 on malware and goodware data 5) Run csvGenerator.ipynb 6) Run csvTOHdf.ipynb ------------------------------------------------- Train the model: ------------------------------------------------- Run train.ipynb ------------------------------------------------- Setup & Run MiddleWare: ------------------------------------------------- 1) Install NodeJS 2) run npm install 3) run npm start ------------------------------------------------- Setup Firebase: ------------------------------------------------- 1) Create a new Firebase project 2) Copy the web app api keys 3) Paste the api keys in the web app html files. ------------------------------------------------- Launch Runtime: ------------------------------------------------- Open localhost:8080 on a web browser ------------------------------------------------- Datasets Credits: ------------------------------------------------- 1) Drebin 2) AndroZoo 3) PScout -------------------------------------------------
MTech Project Phase 1 Snapshot
Jupyter Notebook