
minikube start
minikube ip
  • Make sure you get a domain label for your minikube IP (say it's
curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer < user-token>' \
  -d '{"ipaddr": ""}' \
  • ALTERNATIVELY, you can create your own DNS label and add it to /etc/hosts. However, you'll have to add an entry to /etc/hosts for every subdomain.

  • Let's say the domain label is: Now, will redirect to your minikube (this will only work locally ofcourse).


  • Edit controller-configmap.yaml and set controller-conf.json -> provider.Local.gatewayIp to the minikube ip obtained from above.
  • Edit project-conf.yaml and set the domain to the value generated above.
  • Run kubectl create -f project-conf.yaml
  • Run kubectl create -f project-secrets.yaml
  • Run kubectl create ns hasura
  • Run kubectl create -f controller-configmap.yaml
  • Run kubectl create -f shukra-deployment.yaml
  • Several deployments will now automatically be created. Your Hasura project will be ready, as soon as is accessible and kubectl -n hasura get pods shows all the Hasura platform services as running (data, auth, console, sshd, postgres, session-redis etc.)
  • Login to the console with: admin, adminpassword
  • Postgres login: admin, pgpassword

Cleanup / uninstall / retry if error

  • Delete the minikube instance: minikube delete
  • Re-create it with: minikube start

Upcoming features

  • Migration from local development (minikube) to kubernetes on any cloud provider
  • Expose local minikube to the public Internet for easy testing/sharing (currently, type domains cannot be shared because they are just labels to point to the local minikube ip)