Analyzing Gene Expression Data for the cancer type Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LUSC)

Data folder includes 2 files:

  1. “lusc-rsem-fpkm-tcga-t_paired.txt”: GE data for tissues with cancer.
  2. “lusc-rsem-fpkm-tcga_paired.txt” : GE data for tissues in a healthy case.
  • Each row in the two files represent a gene, and the columns represent the expression level of this gene in different samples.
  • Data are paired meaning that a healthy sample and a diseased sample are taken from the same subject. So, both GE files have the same number of cases with the same order.
  • Files are tab-separated.

Analysis steps:

1. Reading Files

import pandas as pd
#----------------------------------------------reading the files----------------------------------------------#
healthy = pd.read_csv('data/lusc-rsem-fpkm-tcga_paired.txt', sep='\t')
cancer = pd.read_csv('data/lusc-rsem-fpkm-tcga-t_paired.txt', sep='\t')
pd.options.display.max_columns = None

# copying the data
h = healthy
c = cancer

2. Filteration

import numpy as np
#----------------------------------------------Files Filteration----------------------------------------------#

# drop the 2nd column that identify the genes
h.drop(["Entrez_Gene_Id"], axis = 1, inplace = True)
c.drop(["Entrez_Gene_Id"], axis = 1, inplace = True)

Clength = len(c.columns) # return number of columns after dropping the 2nd identification column
droplength = ( 0.5 * (Clength-1) +1) # return the number of 50% of total columns ,+1 because we still have the numeclature column

# replace the zeros (missing values) in file with nan this is required for next step
h = h.replace(0,np.nan)
c = c.replace(0,np.nan)

# in order to remove the rows that have more than 50% missing data dropna function is applied
# in which we put threshold that reflects the minimum number of not nan data required in each row
h = h.dropna(thresh = droplength) 
c = c.dropna(thresh = droplength)

#return back to zero values to proceed calculations
h = h.replace(np.nan,0)
c = c.replace(np.nan,0)

# Extracting the column of hugo_symbol from both files
G_h = h.iloc[0: , 0]
G_c = c.iloc[0: , 0]

# getting the intersected genes in both files according to hugo_symbol extracted from the previous step
common = pd.merge(G_h, G_c, how= 'inner')

# rewriting the 2 files with the common genes only so that each file has the no & name of genes  
h = pd.merge(h, common, how= 'inner', on= ['Hugo_Symbol'])
c = pd.merge(c, common, how= 'inner', on= ['Hugo_Symbol']) 

3. Linear Correlation (Pearson's Correlation) Calculation

from scipy.stats import pearsonr
#--------------------------------pearson (linear) correlation calculation-------------------------------------#

data_corr = []  #a list saves index and correlation
corr_and_gene = []  #a list saves gene name and correlation
mycorr = []      #a list saves correlation value only
G_H = []        # a list saves the genes excluding the 1st column "gene_name" (healthy)
G_C = []        # a list saves the genes excluding the 1st column "gene_name" (cancer)

for x in range(0,len(h)): #len(h) = 17337
    G_h = h.iloc[x, 1:]
    G_c = c.iloc[x, 1:]
    name_gene = h.iloc[x, 0]
    r, _ = pearsonr(G_h, G_c)
#get maximum corr and index   
max_value = max(mycorr) #Return the max value of the list.
max_index = mycorr. index(max_value) #Find the index of the max value.
print('max CC: ',max_value)
print('index of max CC: ',max_index)
max_gene_name = h.iloc[max_index, 0]
print("max correlation in gene",max_gene_name)
min_value = min(mycorr)
min_index = mycorr. index(min_value) #Find the index of the max value.
print('min CC: ',min_value)
print('index of min CC: ', min_index)
min_gene_name = h.iloc[min_index, 0]
print("min correlation in gene",min_gene_name)

#sorting the correlation values

4. Plotting Correlation Results

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#----------------------------------------------Plotting the results----------------------------------------------#

H_gh = h.iloc[max_index, 1:].astype(np.float)
H_gc = c.iloc[max_index, 1:].astype(np.float)
L_gh = h.iloc[min_index, 1:].astype(np.float)
L_gc = c.iloc[min_index, 1:].astype(np.float)

#first plot
plt.scatter(H_gh,H_gc, label='original data')
#curve fitting
m, b = np.polyfit(H_gh, H_gc, 1)
plt.plot(H_gh, m*H_gh + b, c = 'r', label='fitted line')
plt.title('The expression levels of genes which have max CC.')

#second plot
plt.scatter(L_gh,L_gc, label='original data')
#curve fitting
m, b = np.polyfit(L_gh, L_gc, 1)
plt.plot(L_gh, m*L_gh + b, c = 'r', label='fitted line')
plt.title('The expression levels of genes which have min CC.')

5. Hypothesis Testing & FDR Correction

from scipy.stats import ttest_rel
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
#----------------------------------------------Hypothesis test----------------------------------------------# 

#Samples are Paired
P_val_paired = []  #list saves P values for paired samples 
for x in range(0,len(h)):
    Gh = G_H[x]
    Gc = G_C[x]
    p_val = ttest_rel(Gh, Gc).pvalue

#Multiple tests correction (FDR Correction) for paired samples
corrected_P_val_paired = multipletests(P_val_paired, alpha=0.05, method='fdr_bh')[1]

#Samples are independent 
P_val_independent = []  #list saves P values for paired samples 
for x in range(0,len(h)):
    Gh = G_H[x]
    Gc = G_C[x]
    p_val = ttest_ind(Gh,Gc).pvalue

#Multiple tests correction (FDR Correction) for independent samples
corrected_P_val_independent = multipletests(P_val_independent, alpha=0.05, method='fdr_bh')[1]

# significance_genes paired
gene_names = h.iloc[0: , 0]
significance_genes_paired = pd.DataFrame({'Gene_name':gene_names, 'p-values':P_val_paired, 'p-values_fdr':corrected_P_val_paired})

significance_genes_paired['significance:p_values'] = significance_genes_paired['p-values'].apply(lambda x: x < 0.05)
significance_genes_paired['significance:p_values_fdr'] = significance_genes_paired['p-values_fdr'].apply(lambda x: x < 0.05)

# Get significant genes before fdr correction
diffrentially_genes_paired_b = significance_genes_paired[significance_genes_paired['significance:p_values']== True]

# To get gene names before fdr

#convert this list to dataframe and save it in a file
# df_diff_paired_b = pd.DataFrame(diff_paired_b)
# df_diff_paired_b.to_csv(r'C:/Users/user/Desktop\DEGS_paired_before_FDR.csv')

#Get significant genes after fdr correction
diffrentially_genes_paired = significance_genes_paired[significance_genes_paired['significance:p_values_fdr']== True]

# To get gene names after fdr

#convert this list to dataframe and save it in a file
# df_diff_paired = pd.DataFrame(diff_paired)
# df_diff_paired.to_csv(r'C:/Users/user/Desktop\DEGS_paired_after_FDR.csv')

# significance_genes independent
significance_genes_independent = pd.DataFrame({'Gene_name':gene_names, 'p-values':P_val_independent, 'p-values_fdr':corrected_P_val_independent})
significance_genes_independent['significance:p_values'] = significance_genes_independent['p-values'].apply(lambda x: x < 0.05)
significance_genes_independent['significance:p_values_fdr'] = significance_genes_independent['p-values_fdr'].apply(lambda x: x < 0.05)

# Get significant genes before fdr correction
diffrentially_genes_independent_b = significance_genes_independent[significance_genes_independent['significance:p_values']== True]

# To get gene names before fdr

#convert this list to dataframe and save it in a file
# df_diff_independent_b = pd.DataFrame(diff_independent_b)
# df_diff_independent_b.to_csv(r'C:/Users/user/Desktop\DEGS_independent_before_FDR.csv')

#Get significant genes after fdr correction
diffrentially_genes_independent = significance_genes_independent[significance_genes_independent['significance:p_values_fdr']== True]

# To get gene names after fdr

#convert this list to dataframe and save it in a file
# df_diff_independent = pd.DataFrame(diff_independent)
# df_diff_independent.to_csv(r'C:/Users/user/Desktop\DEGS_independent_after_FDR.csv')

#Get The distinct values in diff_paired (Not in diff_independent ) after FDR
diff_paired_distinct = [] #a list saves distinct values in DEGs paired sets
DEGs_common = []  #a list saves common values between  DEGs paired sets and independent paired sets
for x in diff_paired:
  if x not in diff_independent:
  elif x  in diff_independent:

#Get The distinct values in diff_independent (Not in diff_paired) after FDR
diff_independent_distinct = [] #a list saves distinct values in DEGs independent sets
for x in diff_independent:
  if x not in diff_paired:

#Making sure that no common elements between diff_paired_distinct and diff_independent
compare = [] #a list saves an element count in diff_independent (if exists)
for i in diff_paired_distinct:

#Making sure that no common elements between  diff_independent_distinct and diff_paired
Compare = [] #a list saves an element count in diff_paired (if exists)
for i in diff_independent_distinct:

if len(DEGs_common)+len(diff_paired_distinct)==len(diff_paired) and len(DEGs_common)+len(diff_independent_distinct)==len(diff_independent) :
    print('The Comparison has been done successfuly' )

Saving Outputs in to SpreadSheets

#save diff_independent_distinct ,diff_paired_distinct ,DEGs_common in spreadsheet

df_diff_paired_distinct = pd.DataFrame(diff_paired_distinct)

df_diff_independent_distinct = pd.DataFrame(diff_independent_distinct)

df_DEGs_common = pd.DataFrame(DEGs_common)