
Build out Article index and show views

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

Blog Page

Feature Overview

This is primarily a frontend/Tailwind project, though there are a few minor Ruby/Rails bits in there. We're adding an Articles section to the marketing site and need to build out the index view and single article "show" views.


  • Match design elements
  • The "gradient" headers should be randomly generated using Tailwind gradients. Ideally would have an array of colors it chooses from so we have some control there.
  • Author avatar should be an if statement based on the author name
  • The "Join waitlist" form should use the existing render_signup_form
  • Read time can likely be a helper method that just measures article length and then converts that to "minutes" to read


Here's the Figma file.


There is a $350 bounty on this. To participate in the bounty:

  1. Comment /attempt #8 to indicate you plan on working on this.
  2. Submit a draft PR once you start and include /claim #8 along with your general game plan for how you intent to implement this.
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  4. Include a short video showing functionality in your PR (drastically speeds up us approving).

In the event of multiple attempts, we generally pick the one that most closes matches the scope with the cleanest code and test coverage (when appropriate).

NOTE: Given the speed at which we're moving on the codebase, we don't assign issues or "give" issues to anyone.

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Attempt Started (GMT+0) Solution
๐ŸŸข @syedbarimanjan Apr 30, 2024, 7:00:00 PM #9
๐ŸŸข @JoshAntBrown May 1, 2024, 8:07:58 AM #10

/attempt #8

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@syedbarimanjan 1 bounty from 1 project
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@Shpigford do you want the grid to only have three elements in a column? and should the card width be fixed?

@Shpigford do you want the grid to only have three elements in a column? and should the card width be fixed?

Correct, 3 elements in a column. Card width should be fluid for responsiveness, but the overall width of the entire content area should have a max width applied to it.

The "gradient" headers should be randomly generated using Tailwind gradients. Ideally would have an array of colors it chooses from so we have some control there.

Author avatar should be an if statement based on the author name

@Shpigford can you elaborate on these.

The "gradient" headers should be randomly generated using Tailwind gradients. Ideally would have an array of colors it chooses from so we have some control there.

Each article header should be a different combination of colors for the gradients.

Author avatar should be an if statement based on the author name

Avatars will just be stored in the assets folder and so we should display a given avatar based on the author name.

/attempt #8

I'll take a look at this today, I plan to integrate the views with the existing models and portion into separate partials as appropriate.

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@JoshAntBrown 9 maybe-finance bounties
Ruby, JavaScript,
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๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ @JoshAntBrown has been awarded $350! ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ