
Flyme toolchain. An IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio plugin that adds Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Flutter.

Primary LanguageJava


Flyme toolchain.

An Intellij & Android Studio plugin that adds Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Flutter.



You can search Flyme in Preferences -> Plugins Marketplace.


You can search Flyme from https://plugins.jetbrains.com, and download the Flyme plugin.

Preferences -> Plugins -> Install Plugin Form Disk, select flyme-xxxx.zip, and restart IDE.


Available Snippets


Shortcut Description
afunc function in one line
arrow simple function
asdasd simple print
asdasdasd simple print with params
func create function
handleFunc create handle function
init init function
cdatamodel create a data model
cdatasource create a data source
clocal create a local data source
cremote create a remote data source
crepository create a repository
cdatamodel create data model
cdto create a data transformer object
ctranslator create a data model translator
cfunctionvalidator create a function validator
crepositoryimpl create a repository implement
cvaluefailure create a value failure
cviewobj create a view object
fromdm factory constructor from data model
cstream create values
cusecase create a use case
cvm create a view model


Shortcut Description
builder create builder function
builder2 create builder function with 2 view models
builder3 create builder function with 3 view models
builder4 create builder function with 4 view models
builder5 create builder function with 5 view models
builder6 create builder function with 6 view models
dprops Properties for ViewModel
fdataclass freezed data class
funcw functional widget
funcwp functional widget with props
funion freezed union class
funioncase freezed union case
mi import
mifunc import functional main.utils
mip import package
mipm import flutter material package
mirx import rxdart package
miextension import extension
oc something from an InheritedWidget
provider create model provider
provider2 create model provider with 2 view models
provider3 create model provider with 3 view models
provider4 create model provider with 4 view models
provider5 create model provider with 5 view models
provider6 create model provider with 6 view models
ptf part freezed statement
pts part statement
stanim create stateful widget with AnimationController
stful create stateful widget
stless create stateless widget

Plugin Supports the Following IDEs:

  • Android Studio
  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community
  • IntelliJ IDEA Educational