Mapset Verifier

This desktop app tests a large amount of quantifyable issues in beatmapsets from the rhythm game osu!, such as unsnapped objects and unused files. Many of these issues would otherwise disqualify the map from being ranked (i.e. promoted as official, awarding performance points). Although mainly aimed at Beatmap Nominators, this can also be used by mapset creators and reviewers to speed up the ranking process.

Mapset Verifier is a successor to the game's built-in AiMod and Sieg's Modding Assistant, providing more features and greater scalability. Some examples include auto-updates, plugin support, and integrated documentation and diff utilities.

Note that some issues are not easily quantified, especially ones related to metadata and timing; far from everything is covered. Also note that false positives and negatives may exist, as with any similar tool, meaning some detections will happen even if they shouldn't and visa versa. As such, always use your own judgement and be critical about what the program points out, especially warnings.


See the latest release. On Windows, get the exe file. On Linux, get the tar.gz.


Mapset Verifier is comprised of the following open source .NET Core components:

Component Description
MapsetParser Parses .osu and .osb files in the given mapset folder
MapsetChecks The default plugin for MV. Includes all-mode and standard checks
MapsetSnapshotter A diff utility. Provides a summary of changes within a mapset since a snapshot
MapsetVerifierFramework A plugin framework for loading and running check DLLs
MapsetVerifierBackend Handles rendering and communication between the framework and Electron client

The remaining HTML/CSS/JS files are available in the application, see /Mapset Verifier/resources/app.

Feature Comparison

Feature Mapset Verifier Modding Assistant AiMod
Difficulty Interpretation ✅ (Option, Name, SR) ✅ (Name, SR) ✅ (SR)
Snapshots ✅ (Automatic) ✅ (Manual) ⬜️
Integrated Documentation ✅ (RC Snippets) ⬜️
Timeline Comparison ✅ (Taiko-only) ⬜️
Song folder detection ⬜️
Automatic Updates ✅ (Windows-only) ⬜️
Verbose Mode ⬜️
Plugin Support ⬜️ ⬜️
Open Source ⬜️ ⬜️
Difficulty Graph ⬜️ ✅ (Outdated SR) ⬜️

Examples of fixed false positives/negatives

Modding Assistant

  • counting extended break times as drain time.
  • failing to account for minimum SV (0.1x).
  • misinterpreting hit sounds on slider bodies as hit sounds on heads/tails.
  • completely ignoring storyboard variables and animation frames.


  • incorrectly detecting unsnaps on slider tails < 2 ms off
  • not accounting for stacking.
  • using a vastly outdated star rating system, saying you need an easy/normal when you already have one.
  • using inaccurate playfield measurements to detect offscreen hit objects.


Add check DLLs to %APPDATA%/Mapset Verifier Externals/checks to have them load in just like the default checks. To create these DLLs, have a look at how MapsetChecks was created. This is probably also useful.

Third-party plugins (that I'm aware of):

In general, do be careful about which check plugins you use, as they can be malicious. The plugins are executed by the back end of the application, so they can pretty much do anything the rest of the application can.

Checks (last updated 2019-11-09)


Category Issue Message
Resources Missing background.
Resources Too high or low background resolution.
Resources Multiple videos.
Resources Overlay layer usage.
Resources Too high sprite resolution.
Resources Inconsistent video offset.
Resources Too high video resolution.
Metadata Additional markers in title.
Metadata Inconsistent metadata.
Metadata Incorrect marker format.
Metadata Incorrect marker spacing.
Metadata BMS used as source.
Metadata Unicode in romanized fields.
Metadata Incorrect format of (TV Size) / (Game Ver.) / (Short Ver.) in title.
Files Unused files.
Files Issues with updating or downloading.
Files 0-byte files.
Audio Incorrect audio format.
Audio Audio channels in video.
Audio Too high or low audio bitrate.
Audio Delayed hit sounds.
Audio Incorrect hit sound format.
Audio Imbalanced hit sounds.
Audio Too short hit sounds.
Audio Multiple or missing audio files.

All Modes

Category Issue Message
Timing Concurrent or conflicting timing lines.
Timing First line toggles kiai or is inherited.
Timing Inconsistent uninherited lines, meter signatures or BPM.
Timing Unsnapped kiai.
Timing Inconsistent or unset preview time.
Timing Unsnapped hit objects.
Timing Unused uninherited lines.
Timing Wrongly or inconsistently snapped hit objects.
Spread Lowest difficulty too difficult for the given drain/play time(s).
Settings Abnormal difficulty settings.
Settings Inconsistent mapset id, countdown, epilepsy warning, etc.
Settings Slider tick rates not aligning with any common beat snap divisor.
Hit Sounds Low volume hit sounding.
Events Breaks only achievable through .osu editing.
Compose Abnormal amount of slider nodes.
Compose More than 20% unused audio at the end.
Compose Concurrent hit objects.
Compose Too short drain time.
Compose Invisible sliders.


Category Issue Message
Timing Hit object is slightly behind a line which would modify it.
Spread Objects close in time not overlapping.
Spread Multiple reverses on too short sliders.
Spread Too short sliders.
Spread Object too close or far away from previous.
Spread Too short spinner time or spinner recovery time.
Spread Perfect stacks too close in time.
Settings Default combo colours without forced skin.
Settings Too dark or bright combo colours or slider borders.
Hit Sounds Long periods without hit sounding.
Events Storyboarded hit sounds.
Compose Perfectly overlapping combination of tail, head or red anchors.
Compose Burai slider.
Compose Too short spinner.
Compose Obscured reverse arrows.
Compose Offscreen hit objects.


Category Issue Message
Timing Hit object is slightly behind a line which would modify it.
Events Storyboarded hit sounds.


Category Issue Message
Timing Hit object is slightly behind a line which would modify it.
Hit Sounds Long periods without hit sounding.
Events Storyboarded hit sounds.


Category Issue Message
Hit Sounds Long periods without hit sounding.

Current taiko, catch, and mania checks are not specific to those modes, they just don't fit into All Modes due to one or more modes being excluded for the respective checks. These modes also do not have their SRs implemented, so difficulty level guessing may be off sometimes.

Reporting Bugs

Either post an issue here or contact me on discord Naxess#7180, give beatmapset and reproduction steps if applicable. If you don't have me on discord just join the Aiess Project, after which you should be able to message me.