
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Hello Video Agora for Unity

This tutorial enables you to quickly get started with using a sample app to develop requests to the Agora Gaming SDK in Unity 3D.

This sample app demonstrates the basic Agora SDK feature:


  • Agora.io Developer Account
  • Unity 3D 5.5+

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare and build the Agora React Native wrapper for the sample app.

Create an Account and Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application you must obtain an App ID:

  1. Create a developer account at agora.io. Once you finish the signup process, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate in the Dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
  3. Copy the App ID that you obtained from the Dashboard into a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.

Update and Run the Sample Application

  1. Edit the Assets/HelloUnityVideo.cs file. In the HelloUnityVideo class declaration, update #YOUR APP ID# with your App ID.

    private static string appId = #YOUR APP ID#;

  2. Download the Agora Gaming SDK for Unity 3D.


  3. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the files from the following SDK folders into the associated sample application folders.

SDK Folder Application Folder
libs/Android/ Assets/Plugins/Android/
libs/iOS/ Assets/Plugins/iOS/
libs/Scripts/AgoraGamingSDK/ Assets/Scripts/AgoraGamingSDK/
  1. Open the project in Unity and run the sample application.

Steps to Create the Sample

The sample application is comprised of two main classes, HelloUnityVideo and Home.

Create the Scenes

The sample application consists of two main Unity scenes.

Create SceneHelloVideo

When you load SceneHelloVideo in Unity, you'll see that the stage contains a cylindrical object and a cube object.


The scene also contains a Leave button.

Note: You may have to zoom out and adjust the camera view to see the Leave button in the stage.


Create SceneHome

When you load SceneHome in Unity, you will see the stage contains:

UI object Description
Text object Explanation text for the user to read
Text input box Text input box for the user to enter the channel name
Join button Button to join the channel

Note: You may have to zoom out and adjust the camera view to see the leave button in the stage.


Create the HelloUnityVideo Class

The HelloUnityVideo class is a subclass of MonoBehaviour. The HelloUnityVideo.cs file contains the relevant Agora SDK code for the Unity 3D sample application.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using agora_gaming_rtc;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class HelloUnityVideo : MonoBehaviour {



The remaining code in this section is contained within the HelloUnityVideo class declaration.

Declare Global Variables

The HelloUnityVideo class has three global variables and one method that acts as a declaration for the SDK version constant.

The appId variable is initialized with the Agora App ID from your Agora Dashboard.

Note: #YOUR APP ID# must be replaced with a valid Agora App ID.

	// Get your App ID at https://dashboard.agora.io/.
	// After you entered the App ID, remove ## outside of Your App ID.
	private static string appId = #YOUR APP ID#;

Declare the mRtcEngine variable, which represents the Agora RTC engine for the application.

Initialize mRemotePeer to 0 which will track the index of the current remove user for the application.

	// instance of agora engine
	public IRtcEngine mRtcEngine;

	// implement engine callbacks

	public uint mRemotePeer = 0; // insignificant. only record one peer

The getSdkVersion() method returns the SDK version from the Agora RTC engine using IRtcEngine.GetSdkVersion().

	public string getSdkVersion () {
		return IRtcEngine.GetSdkVersion ();

Load / Unload Engine Methods

The HelloUnityVideo class has two methods for loading / unloading the Agora RTC engine.

Create the Load Engine Method

The loadEngine() method initializes the Agora RTC engine.

  1. Set debugging logs for the method initialization and if mRtcEngine is not null. If mRtcEngine exists, execute a return as the RTC engine has already been initialized.

  2. Initialize the engine with the appId using IRtcEngine.getEngine().

  3. Enable Agora logging by setting the following log filters using mRtcEngine.SetLogFilter().

Filter Description
LOG_FILTER.DEBUG Sets the Agora debugging logs
LOG_FILTER.INFO Sets the Agora information logs
LOG_FILTER.WARNING Sets the Agora warning logs
LOG_FILTER.ERROR Sets the Agora error logs
LOG_FILTER.CRITICAL Sets the Agora critical error logs
	// load agora engine
	public void loadEngine()
		// start sdk
		Debug.Log ("initializeEngine");

		if (mRtcEngine != null) {
			Debug.Log ("Engine exists. Please unload it first!");

		// init engine
		mRtcEngine = IRtcEngine.getEngine (appId);

		// enable log
Create the Unload Engine Method

The unloadEngine() method destroys the Agora RTC engine.

  1. Set debugging logs for the method initialization.

  2. Ensure mRtcEngine is not null before destroying the engine using IRtcEngine.Destroy() and setting mRtcEngine to null.

	// unload agora engine
	public void unloadEngine()
		Debug.Log ("calling unloadEngine");

		// delete
		if (mRtcEngine != null) {
			IRtcEngine.Destroy ();
			mRtcEngine = null;

Join / Leave Channel Methods

The HelloUnityVideo class has two methods to manage joining and leaving a channel.

Create the Join Method

The join() method joins the user to the specified channel, sets event listeners, and configures the Agora RTC engine settings.

  1. Set a debug log for the channel name using Debug.Log() and ensure mRtcEngine is not null before executing the remaining code for the method.

  2. Set the following callbacks for mRtcEngine:

    Note: These callbacks are optional for the sample application, but are useful for extending the functionality of the application.

Event Listener Method Value Description
OnJoinChannelSuccess onJoinChannelSuccess Detects when the channel is successfully joined.
OnUserJoined onUserJoined Detects when a user successfully joins the channel.
OnUserOffline onUserOffline Detects when a user goes offline.
  1. Enable video and set its callback using mRtcEngine.EnableVideo() and mRtcEngine.EnableVideoObserver().

  2. Join the channel using mRtcEngine.JoinChannel().

  3. Set a debug log for the method completion using Debug.Log().

	public void join(string channel)
		Debug.Log ("calling join (channel = " + channel + ")");

		if (mRtcEngine == null)

		// set callbacks (optional)
		mRtcEngine.OnJoinChannelSuccess = onJoinChannelSuccess;
		mRtcEngine.OnUserJoined = onUserJoined;
		mRtcEngine.OnUserOffline = onUserOffline;

		// enable video

		// allow camera output callback

		// join channel
		mRtcEngine.JoinChannel(channel, null, 0);

		Debug.Log ("initializeEngine done");
Create the Leave Method

The leave() method exits the user to the current channel.

  1. Set a debug log to track the method call using Debug.Log() and ensure mRtcEngine is not null before executing the remaining code for the method.

  2. Leave the channel using mRtcEngine.LeaveChannel().

  3. Unregister the frame observers using mRtcEngine.DisableVideoObserver().

	public void leave()
		Debug.Log ("calling leave");

		if (mRtcEngine == null)

		// leave channel
		// deregister video frame observers in native-c code

Create General Event Listeners

The HelloUnityVideo class has two event listeners to manage video loading and transform events.

Create the Video Loaded Event Listener

The onSceneHelloVideoLoaded() delegate method detects when the scene loads.

Set go to the GameObject with the name Cylinder.

  • If go is null, set a debug log for the missing GameObject using Debug.Log() and end the method execution.

  • If go is not null

    1. Create a new VideoSurface object using go.GetComponent<VideoSurface> ().
    2. Add onTransformDelegate to the existing o.mAdjustTransfrom value.
	// accessing GameObject in Scnene1
	// set video transform delegate for statically created GameObject
	public void onSceneHelloVideoLoaded()
		GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("Cylinder");
		if (ReferenceEquals (go, null)) {
			Debug.Log ("BBBB: failed to find Cylinder");
		VideoSurface o = go.GetComponent<VideoSurface> ();
		o.mAdjustTransfrom += onTransformDelegate;
Create the Transform Event Listener

The onTransformDelegate() delegate method detects transform changes for a GameObject.

  • If uid is equal to 0 set the following transform properties:
Transform Property Value Description
position new Vector3 (0f, 2f, 0f) Transform position.
localScale new Vector3 (2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f) Transform scale on the local level.
Rotate 0f, 1f, 0f Transform rotation.
  • Otherwise, set the rotate transform property to 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f using transform.Rotate().
	// delegate: Adjust transform for game object 'objName' connected with user 'uid'.
	// You could save information for 'uid' (e.g. which GameObject is attached).
	private void onTransformDelegate (uint uid, string objName, ref Transform transform)
		if (uid == 0) {
			transform.position = new Vector3 (0f, 2f, 0f);
			transform.localScale = new Vector3 (2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
			transform.Rotate (0f, 1f, 0f);
		} else {
			transform.Rotate (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

Create User Event Listeners

The HelloUnityVideo class has three event listeners to manage users joining and leaving a channel.

Create the Join Success Event Listener

The onJoinChannelSuccess() event listener detects when the channel is successfully joined.

  1. Set a debug log for the user's uid that joins the channel using Debug.Log ().

  2. Retrieve the GameObject with the name VersionText using GameObject.Find().

  3. Set the text for textVersionGameObject.GetComponent<Text> () as the SDK version specified by getSdkVersion ().

	private void onJoinChannelSuccess (string channelName, uint uid, int elapsed)
		Debug.Log ("JoinChannelSuccessHandler: uid = " + uid);
		GameObject textVersionGameObject = GameObject.Find ("VersionText");
		textVersionGameObject.GetComponent<Text> ().text = "Version : " + getSdkVersion ();
Create the Remote User Join Event Listener

The onUserJoined() event listener detects when a remote user joins the channel.

Set a debug log for the remote user's uid that joins the channel using Debug.Log () and retrieve the GameObject with the name uid.ToString() using GameObject.Find().

If go is null, set its name property to uid.ToString () and create a new VideoSurface object using go.AddComponent<VideoSurface> (). Apply the following to o.

  1. Set the user ID using o.SetForUser().
  2. Add onTransformDelegate to the mAdjustTransfrom property.
  3. Enable it by passing true into o.SetEnable().
  4. Set the transform property values Rotate, position, and localScale.

If go is not null, set mRemotePeer to uid.

	// When a remote user joined, this delegate will be called. Typically
	// create a GameObject to render video on it
	private void onUserJoined(uint uid, int elapsed)
		Debug.Log ("onUserJoined: uid = " + uid);
		// this is called in main thread

		// find a game object to render video stream from 'uid'
		GameObject go = GameObject.Find (uid.ToString ());
		if (!ReferenceEquals (go, null)) {
			return; // reuse

		// create a GameObject and assign to this new user
		go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Plane);
		if (!ReferenceEquals (go, null)) {
			go.name = uid.ToString ();

			// configure videoSurface
			VideoSurface o = go.AddComponent<VideoSurface> ();
			o.SetForUser (uid);
			o.mAdjustTransfrom += onTransformDelegate;
			o.SetEnable (true);
			o.transform.Rotate (-90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			float r = Random.Range (-5.0f, 5.0f);
			o.transform.position = new Vector3 (0f, r, 0f);
			o.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);

		mRemotePeer = uid;
Create the User Offline Event Listener

The onUserOffline() event listener detects when a user goes offline.

  1. Set a debug log for the user's uid that goes offline using Debug.Log ().

  2. Retrieve the GameObject with the name uid.ToString() using GameObject.Find().

  3. If go is null, destroy go by passing it into the Destroy() method.

	// When remote user is offline, this delegate will be called. Typically
	// delete the GameObject for this user.
	private void onUserOffline(uint uid, USER_OFFLINE_REASON reason)
		// remove video stream
		Debug.Log ("onUserOffline: uid = " + uid);
		// this is called in main thread
		GameObject go = GameObject.Find (uid.ToString());
		if (!ReferenceEquals (go, null)) {
			Destroy (go);

Create the Home Class

The Home class is a subclass of MonoBehaviour. The Home.cs file contains the relevant UI functionality for the Unity 3D sample application created in the Create the Scenes section.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;

public class Home : MonoBehaviour {



The remaining code in this section is contained within the Home class declaration.

Declare Initialization Methods and Variables

The Start() and Update() methods are empty method declarations and can be used for added initialization and update functionality.

	// Use this for initialization.
	void Start () {

	// Update is called once per frame.
	void Update () {

The Home class declares a single HelloUnityVideo object initialized to null. This object is used to reference the functionality in the class discussed in the HelloUnityVideo section.

	static HelloUnityVideo app = null;

Create Join / Leave UI Functionality

The onButtonClicked() method is applied to the JoinButton and LeaveButton UI objects. This method determines if the user should join or leave the channel.

  • If the button's name is JoinButton, invoke onJoinButtonClicked().
  • If the button's name is LeaveButton, invoke onLeaveButtonClicked()

Note: JoinButton and LeaveButton are the object names in the Unity scenes, not the actual display text shown to the user.

	public void onButtonClicked() {
		// which GameObject?
		if (name.CompareTo ("JoinButton") == 0) {
			onJoinButtonClicked ();
		else if(name.CompareTo ("LeaveButton") == 0) {
			onLeaveButtonClicked ();
Create the Join Button Method

The onJoinButtonClicked() method is applied to the Join button object.

  1. Retrieve the ChannelName using GameObject.Find().
  2. Declare a new InputField class using go.GetComponent<InputField>().
  3. If app is equal to null, create a new HelloUnityVideo class and load the Agora RTC engine using app.loadEngine().
  4. Join the channel specified by field.text using app.join().
  5. Add OnLevelFinishedLoading to the scene loading event listener SceneManager.sceneLoaded.
  6. Load SceneHelloVideo using SceneManager.LoadScene().
	private void onJoinButtonClicked() {
		// get parameters (channel name, channel profile, etc.)
		GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("ChannelName");
		InputField field = go.GetComponent<InputField>();

		// create app if nonexistent
		if (ReferenceEquals (app, null)) {
			app = new HelloUnityVideo (); // create app
			app.loadEngine (); // load engine

		// join channel and jump to next scene
		app.join (field.text);
		SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnLevelFinishedLoading; // configure GameObject after scene is loaded
		SceneManager.LoadScene ("SceneHelloVideo", LoadSceneMode.Single);
Create the Leave Button Method

The onLeaveButtonClicked() method is applied to the Leave button object.

Ensure app is not null and execute the following:

  1. Leave the channel using app.leave().
  2. Unload the Agora RTC engine using app.unloadEngine().
  3. Set app to null.
  4. Load SceneHome using SceneManager.LoadScene().
	private void onLeaveButtonClicked() {
		if (!ReferenceEquals (app, null)) {
			app.leave (); // leave channel
			app.unloadEngine (); // delete engine
			app = null; // delete app
			SceneManager.LoadScene ("SceneHome", LoadSceneMode.Single);

Create Event Listener

The Home class declares a single event listener OnLevelFinishedLoading() to detect when a scene has finished loading.

If the scene.name is SceneHelloVideo:

  • Ensure app is not null and invoke app.onSceneHelloVideoLoaded() to tell the HelloUnityVideo that the scene finished loading.

  • Remove the OnLevelFinishedLoading event listener from SceneManager.sceneLoaded.

	public void OnLevelFinishedLoading(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) {
		if (scene.name.CompareTo("SceneHelloVideo") == 0) {
			if (!ReferenceEquals (app, null)) {
				app.onSceneHelloVideoLoaded (); // call this after scene is loaded
			SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnLevelFinishedLoading;

Some Trouble Shooting FAQs

Q: There are only white cube and box on the demo screen after I join the channel. A: There may be definite reasons for this. First recommendation is implementing the OnError and OnWarning callbacks to check on what errors are occuring. (Added in the Demo starting from v3.2.1.71). Here are the common causes:

  1. You registered an AppId with Certificate enabled, but you didn’t include a secure token in your JoinChannel call. => You should use an AppId without Certificate if you are new to the SDK. Create a new AppId with Certificate after you tested the POC and feel comfortable to enforce token security.

  2. The Application did not acquire the required OS level permission for Camera. => Make sure you set those up in the PlayerSettings and Manifest if for Android.

  3. The agoraCWrapper library didn’t get loaded on run-time (usually happens on Standalone, not Editor). Make sure you have the correct Platform Settings flag selected, we recommend you to select AnyCPU. See examples in MacOS section for building the App above.

Q: I press the join button but the scene doesn't change (usually happens on Editor). A: Make sure you have chosen both two scenes in Build Settings.

Q: When run the app, a pop-up window said agoraSdkCWrapper.bundle cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.(usually happens on MacOS). A: Choose "allow" in Settings/security and privacy, rerun the app.


  • Complete API documentation is available at the Document Center.
  • You can file bugs about this sample here.


This software is under the MIT License (MIT). View the license.