
A React-dashboard showing the current COVID-19 world and country stats - using the COVID-19-API with data from John Hpkins CSSE

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Implement pagination/infinite scroll for search/filter-results as well
  • Refactor states in "useFetch"-custom-hook into a reducer - and perhaps share the result in App.js via useContext to avoid happy props drilling...
  • And while you're on it: Find better var names in useFetch-hook - brr - and DRY that beast up
  • Transform "loadData" in "useFetch"-hook into async function
  • And while you're on it: Use axios
  • Implement more filter options in countries search bar & redesign filter bar
  • Implement sort options
  • Implement comparision options (perhaps in dashboard footer) to load "comparison data" (e.g. covid stats from a week ago) that's visualized in every data card alongside the current covid data (ups/downs in % or similar & marked red/green accordingly)
  • Implement "dashboard auto-refresh" every 15 minutes or so (check API-docs for info on regular update intervals)
  • Redesign footer - you can do better ;-)
  • Modularize bloated App.css
  • Switch to CSS Modules & SASS/SCSS
  • Follow BEM
  • ...